Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1298: Love and hobby early 1

The whole Saturday is a happy two-person world.

After playing for a day, on Sunday, Chu Muyue was a little busy, and was going to deal with the company's affairs.

First, I went to the factory of Dream Cosmetics Company to deal with the company's affairs and the recent company affairs of Hengyue Real Estate Company.

As the dream skin care products series produced by Dream Cosmetics enter the market, the prospects are very prosperous, and orders continue to flow in.

This also gave Hengyue Real Estate Company the funds to look at and speed up the construction of another part of the factory.

It's just that the remaining part of the factory is larger than the first phase of the factory, including the shipping warehouse. It is expected that it will not be successfully constructed until the beginning of the summer vacation in July.

There is also the first Huaxia Gufeng Hotel in Linshi built by Hengyue Real Estate Company for the medicated restaurant.

Because she usually has to study and deal with company affairs, Chu Muyue didn't go to the newly built medicinal restaurant several times.

But Ling Hong went there almost once a day to see how well it was built there, and how to build some of the scales inside, he had to listen to his suggestions.

Chu Muyue gave Ling Hong and Qin Shaoyang full authority over this matter, and she was also happy to take it easy.

However, looking at the photos taken by Ling Hong, Chu Muyue can also see that the first phase of the construction of the medicinal restaurant is almost at the end. Like the Dream Cosmetics company, the approximate framework of the hotel in early June Can be built, the next step is the decoration inside the hotel, as well as the surrounding greenery.

Since it is to follow the ancient Chinese style, it is still health preservation, and Chu Muyue is also very concerned about the construction of the surrounding environment and must not be sloppy.

In the future, the environment will also be the main marketing tool.

Because she had to go to the hospital to treat Ning Lao, Chu Muyue hadn't visited the new medicated restaurant for a long time.

I had to go to the hospital in the afternoon and asked Ling Hong to take pictures of the situation on the construction site to show her, and let her see how the situation is now.

Seeing the content on the photo, Chu Muyue was still satisfied, and the speed was quite fast.

He also pointed out Ling Hong that around the medicinal restaurant, some flowers and trees can be planted in seasons, such as sweet-scented osmanthus, cherry blossoms, and maple trees.

Each season can make the scenery of the medicated restaurant unique, which is also a way to attract diners.

Ling Hong listened to Chu Muyue's suggestions very seriously.

Although Ling Hong used to study hotel management, he never really paid attention to these aspects, nor did he think of attracting people from this seasonal environment.

When Ling Hong heard of this plan, he immediately applauded, "Chu Dong, you are so smart that you thought of using this method!"

Every time he faces Chu Muyue, Ling Hong feels that he is not facing a girl who is only seventeen years old, but a decision-maker who can look forward to the future at the age of twenty, thirty, or even forty.

Chu Muyue smiled lightly, she also caught the convenience of rebirth.

If it weren't for understanding the way of life for future generations, she would not have thought of this way.

Who could have imagined that in the future, the life of the world will be so good, every family has a car, every family can go out in their spare time to travel, know how to enjoy life and relax their spirits.

By that time, the environmental construction of the medicated food hall has been mature, and the environment at that time will reach its peak, which happens to be a good time to attract customers.

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