"Enough!" Meng Qing shouted angrily, staring at Ye Tianming, "Ye Tianming, don't be too arrogant, this is not the capital, nor the military camp! It's not you who have the final say!"

Ye Tianming sneered and looked at Meng Qing mockingly, "I should give you these words. Your old man is lying in bed. You don't want to go back to take care of your old man. You are still spending time outside. It's really filial!"

Meng Qing's old father is now seriously ill and is already lying in bed. That's why Ye Tianming told Chu Muyue not to fight the Meng family for now.

Soon, the Meng family is about to fall, and then she can do whatever she wants.

Meng Qing was very angry with what Ye Tianming said. Indeed, he was his father who was old and successful. His old father suffered a lot of injuries because of the war when he was young. Now that the injuries have relapsed, he can no longer get up.

Because of this incident, his brother's original plan to go to the capital was stranded.

If his old man is still healthy, then it is definitely a matter of firm conclusion, but the current situation is not the same. Many people don't want his brother to go to the capital, and they are all pressed.

This matter has always been a problem with their family, even his old father is helpless.

His old father is like this, people take the tea to cool!

"Good, good! Ye Tianming, count you cruel!" Meng Qing's hands were hanging on the sides of his legs, clenched into fists, but he couldn't get angry.

Since I have known Ye Tianming since he was a child, I know his combat effectiveness. It is estimated that he can't destroy this guy even if he pulls a regiment of troops. He can only suffer a loss.

Who wants to have trouble with this madman? No one in the entire capital dared, anyone who dared could count it with one hand.

What's more, is he who is about to lose his glory?

Meng Qing gritted his teeth angrily and glared at Chu Muyue fiercely, his eyes seemed to say, you wait for me!

"let's go!"

Qi Rui didn't expect that Meng Qing would be willing to take this boring loss and leave, and he didn't expect that this guy dressed like the offender was even afraid of Meng Qing.

Now that Meng Qing is gone, why is Qi Rui willing to stay here ashamed?

"Shao Qi, how did you leave? Don't stay here for a cup of tea and some snacks?" Duan Tianyu shouted at Qi Rui, who was also unwilling to leave.

Qi Rui was very angry and unwilling, but there was no way! Who made his patrons have gone?

Ye Tianming snorted coldly, turned his head to look at Chu Muyue, grinned, "Little Junior Sister, the mouse **** has already been shoveled away for you, take your time!"

Chu Muyue nodded gently at Ye Tianming, and said gratefully, "Thank you!"

"This is what I should do, but the boss ordered me to take good care of you!" Ye Tianming waved his hand quickly, "Moreover, I still have shares in the medicinal restaurant! I am also a shareholder, this is what I should!"

Everyone who heard Ye Tianming's words couldn't help but breathe in their hearts. Unexpectedly, this man dressed like a beggar would even have shares in a medicinal restaurant.

What was even more unexpected was that this guy was even afraid of Meng Qing. Who is he?

Everyone was more curious about Ye Tianming's identity, and they were more looking forward to and enthusiastic about Chu Muyue. They marveled that such a 17-year-old self-made little girl had such a wide popularity.

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