After three rounds of wine, everyone was very satisfied with the new products made by the medicated restaurant today.

Qiu Moge was also taken by Ye Tianming to eat the medicated food in the medicated food restaurant before, and at that time he was already deeply in love.

Now that I have eaten the new products of the medicated food restaurant again, I only feel that if he does not work under Chu Muyue, he will regret it for life.

Whether it was Chu Muyue's ability or the medicated diet recipes she provided, he could predict the extent to which the medicated diet hall would flourish in the future.

Seeing Chu Muyue walk out of the box, Qiu Moge also followed her out. Ye Tianming looked up and saw Qiu Moge's behavior, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Miss Chu!"

Chu Muyue turned around and looked at Qiu Moge with a smile, "Mr. Qiu, what's the matter?"

Qiu Moge walked a few steps quickly, walked in front of Chu Muyue, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Can I join your Dragon Group now?"

Upon hearing the question, Chu Muyue showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, and stretched out her hand to Qiu Moge.

Qiu Moge looked down at Chu Muyue's outstretched hand, and looked up at her again. He also laughed, stretched out his hand, and the two hands were tightly held together.

"Welcome, President Qiu!" Chu Muyue looked at Qiu Moge with a smile.

Qiu Moge suddenly touched his nose in embarrassment, "Then I will change my tongue later, I should call you Chu Dong!"

"In public, you can call me Chu Dong!" Chu Muyue smiled lightly and said, "You are Brother Xiao's friends, that is, my friend, you can also call me Muyue in private!"

"Okay!" Qiu Moge nodded, and went straight to the topic, "Then, your company..."

"If you can wait for this matter, when the dinner is over, I will find Aunt An and ask her to give you the information, and by the way, I will also introduce you to other people!" Chu Muyue said with a smile.

It's not the time to talk about this. There is still some information transfer, which is a little troublesome. She has to go to other boxes to meet with those guests.

Qiu Moge nodded in agreement, "Yes!"

He also knew that Chu Muyue was very busy now, and he couldn't wait to work, after all, he also wanted to prove his ability.

Who made Chu Muyue such a great achievement at such a young age, he, a person who has just graduated from university, feels a lot of pressure.

"Mr. Qiu, you can taste the new products of the medicinal restaurant first. You may be busy with company affairs in the future, and you may not be able to come often!" Chu Muyue blinked at Qiu Moge and said jokingly.

"Haha, that's what I said, but there will be time in the future, your medicated food restaurant tastes very good, I like it!" Qiu Moge laughed and said jokingly, "To be honest, I will be willing to work under your hand because of this medicated diet and medicated diet restaurant. I believe that with your ability, it will be more prosperous in the future!"

Chu Muyue also laughed and teased, "Then you can eat more often in the future. As the boss of Longteng Group in the future, there is a benefit, that is, it is free to come to the medicinal restaurant!"

Regarding the company's welfare, the company has just been established now and it is still busy with work. It has not been fully planned, but it will definitely happen next year.

At least, let those who work in their own company have the same feeling of being in their own home, and work happily.

"That's the best, I really like this benefit!" Qiu Moge also showed a hearty smile, and chatted with Chu Muyue very happily.

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