Everyone was shocked by Chu Muyue's appearance.

If Ning Jianbin had not been vaccinated with them before, telling them that even if Chu Muyue came, don't say anything because of her age, they would have doubted.

The juniors of the Yan family also looked at Chu Muyue in horror. They didn't expect that the doctor they had invited would be so young, so small, and even younger than them.

Although the Yan family did not trouble Chu Muyue for trouble, the doctors who were Mr. Yan did not agree.

"Hold on!" A middle-aged doctor in a white coat stopped Chu Muyue and said to Yan Wei, "Mr. Yan, are you sure you want this girl to see Lao Yan? She is so young that she doesn't know how Seeing a doctor, if you do this, it will only make Yan Lao's illness worse!"

What did Chu Muyue, a 17 or 18-year-old girl, have studied?

They are all in their 30s before they can truly be alone and become a doctor. Chu Muyue is here to treat people now, that's a liar!

No matter whether it was for their own sake or for their own sake, they couldn't let Chu Muyue treat Yan Lao.

When Ning Jianbin heard the doctor's words, he felt annoyed in his heart. He reminded the Yan family and put them in peace, but ignored these doctors.

"There is nothing for you here, you can leave, this doctor was invited by ourselves, we don't need you to be responsible!" Ning Jianbin coldly ordered to these doctors.

Yan Wei glanced at Ning Jianbin. He didn't think that Ning Jianbin would harm his father, because he was also the son-in-law of the Yan family. As long as the father was alive, he could also benefit from it.

"You go out. If there is anything, we are responsible for it, and it has nothing to do with your hospital!" Yan Wei also ordered the doctors and said to Chu Muyue, "Doctor Chu, please!"

Chu Muyue nodded. She didn't say anything to the doctors in this hospital. She just waited for Yan Wei to tell them. As long as they want her to treat, she will treat it. If they don't want to, then she will leave.

The middle-aged doctor never expected that his kindness would make Yan Wei and Ning Jianbin veto it.

"No, Mr. Yan, since Yan Lao is in our hospital, we must be responsible for Yan Lao's body, and we must not allow people without medical qualifications to treat Yan Lao!"

These doctors also quickly persuaded Yan Wei and them, "Yes, Mr. Yan, please think twice!"

If the people in front of them were ordinary people, these doctors would have driven them out of the hospital directly. However, the people in front of them are extraordinary and they are not something they can offend. They can only provide comfort.

Ning Jianbin was very dissatisfied with their reluctance and ordered the guard standing at the door, "The guard, please ask these doctors out first, don't let them in!"

This is the capital city, and it is normal to arrange a few guards at the door according to strict old standards.

The doctors in the military area hospital opened their eyes wide, with an unbelievable expression. They never expected that Ning Jianbin would do such a thing.

"Mr. Yan?!"

Yan Wei waved his hand and asked the guards to take these people away, "Take them out of the ward, let Dr. Chu show him first!"

"Yes!" The guards obeyed the order and dragged the doctors out of the room.

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