Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1345: Beijing second generation Gan Shao 1

The waiter brought the roast duck, and the chef served Chu Muyue's duck slices on the side.

Yan Chen smiled and actively recommended Chu Muyue, "Mu Yue, this roast duck is a characteristic of Beijing, you should try it!"

"Well, it really tastes good!" Chu Muyue took a bite and it was good.

She has never been to the capital either in her previous life or now. This is the first time she has come, and it is also the first time that she has eaten Quanjude’s roast duck. The taste is different and it is very delicious.

"If you are delicious, eat more! Eat as much as you want, as long as you are in the capital, we will take you to eat all the delicious food!" Yan Xiutong said to Chu Muyue very excited.

"Okay!" Chu Muyue smiled and nodded. This is of great benefit to the increase and improvement of the medicinal food of her medicated restaurant.

She will also open the medicinal restaurant to Beijing in the future, and she can also take the opportunity to learn about the tastes of the people in Beijing.

While everyone was enthusiastically eating roast duck, the door of the box was suddenly opened, and a group of young people walked in from outside.

All Chu Muyue raised their heads and looked at the young people who came in suddenly recklessly.

Yan Chen saw the person coming, with an unhappy expression on his face, "Gan Yongxin, what are you doing here!"

Listening to Yan Chen's address and speaking attitude, Chu Muyue knew that the visitor's identity is not low, and the relationship with them does not seem to be very good.

Also, in a place like Beijing, you can have a bit of a small official position or a family relationship when you come across it.

And it's still in the box of Quanjude, and even during the peak of eating, you can't get the box without any ability.

Gan Yongxin looked at Yan Chen and snorted, his eyes full of disdain and sarcasm, "This box is reserved by this young master!"

A middle-aged man in a suit who followed Gan Yongxin came in, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said awkwardly to Chu Muyue, Yan Chen and others, “Sorry, Yan Shao, this box is really the same as before. The less booked ones, because they are too busy, the two young masters are a little short of time, and they haven’t had time to inform!

"Hmph! Hear it! This box was booked by the young master first!" Gan Yongxin proudly raised his chin to Yan Chen, his tone full of provocation.

Yan Chen frowned slightly, although this was a problem with Quanjude's service, but seeing Gan Yongxin's arrogance, he was unwilling to let this box open.

If everyone agrees to negotiate, he will let it go, but if the other party finds it uncomfortable, of course he won't just let it go to him.

After all, if he lets, he will not only slap himself, but also embarrass himself in front of Chu Muyue. Today, they specially invited Chu Muyue, his benefactor, to dinner.

If Chu Muyue didn't serve well, let his father know, he might have to be punished.

"You just let it!" Yan Hongxin patted the table and stared at Gan Yongxin angrily, "What happened to the reservation? It's not that we are going to come to this box. You let them open another box for you! "

"This young master will let him go, I need this box!" Gan Yongxin looked at Yan Hongxin very arrogantly.

Yan Hongxin shouted angrily, "Gan Yongxin, you just came to find yourself uncomfortable today, didn't you!"

"Who said that? I'm just here to eat, I'm just here to get back to my box, what's wrong!" Gan Yongxin spread out his hands, looking very innocent as it was taken for granted.

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