Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1367: Require confrontation 3

Soon, after get off work the next day, a large group of people gathered in the large conference room of Dream Cosmetics Company.

Almost all the people here are reporters who come to interview, and they all want to clarify this matter.

Because of this incident, the sales amount reported by the sales department in the past two days has obviously dropped.

And this time, not only these reporters, but also the protagonists of the incident were gorgeous.

Huahua was invited by those reporters, and Chu Muyue had to confront him, how could they miss such a wonderful scene.

Chu Muyue walked in with An Qing. As soon as the reporters saw Chu Muyue's arrival, they hurriedly bombarded her for shooting, and the flashes could brighten the eyes of the blind.

Chu Muyue came to the podium, sat on her seat, and glanced at the reporters present, "Welcome all reporters, for your hard work, here I say sorry to you!"

The reporters did not speak, but pointed their microphones at Chu Muyue, and the photographers also pointed their cameras at Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue smiled and said, looking at the woman sitting in the center of the crowd, wearing a mask, "This is the gorgeous lady who said that our Dream Cosmetics company has a problem with the products?"

Gorgeous saw the appearance of Chu Muyue, subconsciously stunned, and when she heard the question, she recovered from the shock.

She had seen Chu Muyue in front of the TV before, but she was still a little surprised when she saw Chu Muyue in person.

This girl looks so small.

Such a small girl already has such a big company, it is really enviable to hate it!

"Yes, after I used your company's product, my face was ruined. Now the whole face is full of abscesses. Please give me an explanation!" Gorgeous raised her chin slightly and said as she looked at Chu Muyue.

The corners of Chu Muyue's mouth rose slightly, and she asked Huanhua in a somewhat curious tone, "Oh, then can I ask Ms. Huali a few questions before then?"

I was a little puzzled by the gorgeousness being asked, what question? "What's the problem? I want your dream cosmetics company to give me fairness!"

Since someone can arrange it, there are also reporters in this group who are specifically targeted at Chu Muyue.

Sure enough, a reporter said, "Chu Dong, now your Dream Cosmetics company gives this victim an explanation and reply! I hope you can compensate her spiritually!"

"This reporter friend, I deeply sympathize with this gorgeous lady's situation. If it is our company's problem, our company will definitely admit the error and will compensate, but before that, I will ask a few questions. It’s not too much, right?" Chu Muyue turned his head and looked at the reporter who asked, with sharp eyes and an indisputable look. What he said was reasonable, "Moreover, there is natural justice, and everything we do now It’s a normal procedure. It’s the same as the police handling a case. Even if you know who you are and what your name is, you will be asked for the same reason as your name during the interrogation. Ms. Hua, don’t you think?”

The reporter was stunned, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer, so he nodded, "Yes!"

Gorgeous opened her mouth, not knowing what to say, so she nodded.

Originally, gorgeous is not a highly educated one, otherwise, he wouldn't be a front desk in a small hotel.

There is not much magnificence of thought, naturally it is not Chu Muyue's opponent, and now it is completely taken away.

For such a person, Chu Muyue was also amused. Her enemy really found a stupid woman.

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