Ye Tianming smiled and looked at the reporters who asked questions, "This Obasan, don’t you know I’m doing this for Ms. Hua? Other doctors can’t heal her face. If Chu Dong tries to heal her, Isn’t it very good to have Ms. Hua’s face? Could it be that the reporter Obasan doesn’t want this Ms. Hua’s face to be cured?"

"Obasan!" The female reporter, her entire face flushed by Ye Tianming's name, did not expect that she was only thirty or forty years old and was called Obasan.

"You! What do you call me!" The female reporter stared at Ye Tianming angrily.

There was a playful smile on Ye Tianming's mouth, "Mom taught me that I must respect the old and love the young. I am a respectable name! Isn't this Obasan very dissatisfied with my respectful name?"

The reporter was so angry that his chest was constantly rising and falling by Ye Tianming's words, and Ye Tianming's face showed a bright smile.

Chu Muyue ignored Ye Tianming’s confrontation with this reporter, and looked gorgeous with a smile, “Ms. Hua, you don’t want your face to change forever? If it’s our company’s fault, we will not only heal Ms. Hua’s face. , Will also compensate Ms. Hua for a large amount of mental damage!"

She had seen her gorgeous face, and although she hadn't got her pulse yet, she used her own binocular power to see her situation.

The gorgeous face was painted with a somewhat allergic chemical agent, which is considered as an invasion by external evil. As long as the evil poison on her face is removed, her appearance can be restored.

Originally it was a little hesitant and gorgeous, but after hearing Chu Muyue's compensation for a large amount of spiritual damages, there was a burst of joy in her heart.

For a gambler, nothing is more tempting than money.

She didn't want to see that her face had always been like this, and the person who ordered her only said that she would cause trouble to the Dream Cosmetics Company. Now the trouble has been completed, and she also wants to heal her face.

"But... okay!" Gorgeous still nodded her head.

The corners of Chu Muyue's mouth rose slightly, and she raised her hand. There were already two silver needles in her hand, which pierced her gorgeous face.

The photographers pointed their cameras at Chu Muyue and Huahua.

Everyone watched Chu Muyue put the needles gorgeously, it was like a visual feast, as if they could only see Chu Muyue's hands with only shadows, and there was a confident smile on the corners of her mouth. All are pleasing to the eye.

Chu Muyue stopped with both hands, turned around and said to An Qing, "President An, get me some napkins!"

"Okay!" An Qing nodded and walked to Chu Muyue with a box of napkins.

Chu Muyue took out a few napkins from the inside and said to everyone, "There are still two minutes, two minutes later, I will be able to heal the other half of Ms. Hua's face!"

When everyone listened to Chu Muyue's words, their eyes were full of curiosity and expectation. Can this face be cured?

Waiting for two minutes to pass, everyone is waiting for the gorgeous face to change.

They were looking forward to it, wondering if Chu Muyue could really heal the gorgeous face that made people feel sick.

At the same time, in the special ward of the military hospital in the capital, there was a rush of hustle and bustle to the old man on the bed.

"No, Meng Lao is sick, hurry up and give first aid!"

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