Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1389: Mu's family arrangement 1

The company's affairs had to be dealt with very quickly, and Chu Muyue immediately pulled it back from the press conference.

Moreover, Ye Tianming also took police officers to seal up the casino.

The police's swift and straightforward actions have also been seen by the people and let them know that this is not the problem of the dream cosmetics company, but that someone is setting it up.

Some people can't understand the booming business of Dream Cosmetics products, and they think of this way to frame it. The product is no problem, and everyone can use it with peace of mind.

This can be considered intangible once again to promote the reputation of the dream cosmetics company.

After the dream cosmetics company's affairs were handled, Chu Muyue was relieved. During the weekends, she went to the new medicinal restaurant with Xiao Junyan.

The old medicinal restaurant was opened in the urban area, while the new medicinal restaurant was in the suburbs. Some deviated from the urban area. There was nothing to do. Everyone would not go to the suburbs.

Therefore, the new medicated food restaurant was just opened, and it was still a little deserted, with few people.

Fortunately, Chu Muyue arranged a bus to pick up people who were going to the new medicinal restaurant and brought a lot of customers there.

This also gave the new medicinal restaurant a period of relaxation, which made the waiters a little more relaxed.

The salary is still the same, but the workload is much easier than before.

In order to thank the old employees who came from the old medicinal restaurant for their hard work, Chu Muyue gave each of them a ten-day holiday, and it was a paid holiday, so that they could go out for a good rest and play.

This is also to inform these old employees before the new medicated restaurant is about to open. However, in order to prevent the work of the new medicated restaurant from being flustered, each group of employees rests in batches and rests within two months.

For Chu Muyue's arrangement, those employees were excited and grateful.

At the beginning of the 21st century, there are too few companies with humanity like Chu Muyue. Not only are wages high, but they can also travel with pay.

Moreover, it is still a summer vacation. Everyone can accompany their family members, travel and play around, and work again.

Chu Muyue sat in Xiao Junyan's car and came to the new medicinal restaurant. Looking at the entrance of the medicinal restaurant, on top of a bus, there were waves of people coming down, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The bus frequency is determined according to the situation.

For example, during lunch and dinner, if a car is fully occupied, it will start directly.

If it is other time, if it is not full, it will be a car every fifteen minutes.

Because it is the summer vacation, the children are almost on vacation, and it is still on weekends. Those parents who can afford the food in the medicinal restaurant are also taking advantage of the vacation, taking the bus, and coming over with the elders of the family. Have a meal.

Some people who know how to enjoy, after eating here at noon, wandered around in the afternoon, and then went back to have dinner near, or ate in the medicated restaurant.

Chu Muyue looked at some people walking from the flower and grass forest to the medicated restaurant. These should have come early, and then looked at the surrounding environment before going in for lunch.

"Okay, let's go in! Brother Ling should have been waiting for a while!" Chu Muyue said with a satisfied smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently, and entered the medicated restaurant with Chu Muyue behind him.

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