Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1394: Chu Muyue Enters Mu's House 3

Chu Muyue was enthusiastically invited into the hall by Aunt Mu and Second Aunt.

At this time, the hall was full of people.

Looking at this large group of Mu family members, Chu Muyue muttered in her heart, there are so many people, she really didn't see a girl!

On the sofa, sitting on the sofa was an old man with rich hair, Mu Haiwei, Mu Haihua, and Mu Haixu.

The other five young teenagers all sat cross-legged directly on the ground, watching TV.

Seeing Chu Muyue being brought in, all of them turned their heads, looking at her with scorching eyes.

"Like! Really like!"

When Mr. Mu and his three sons saw Chu Muyue, they shouted in their hearts.

Although they have seen the photos, they haven't seen a real person after all. Seeing a real person now gives them a familiar feeling, a sense of intimacy in their blood.

Mu Haiwei quickly stood up. Today, he is not wearing military uniforms, but casual clothes. He is afraid that if he is wearing formal clothes, he will scare Chu Muyue.

"Doctor Chu, here you are, come, first sit down and rest!" Mu Haiwei said with a bright smile.

As his second son, Mu Yutao was a little surprised when he saw his father’s enthusiastic smile on his face, "Huh? Why does my father smile like a flower?"

"My dad too!" Mu Haixu's youngest son and the youngest boy in the entire Mu family, Mu Ziheng nodded in agreement, and muttered while looking at his dad's smiling face.

A teenager who is very similar to Mu Ziheng, and Mu Haixu's eldest son, Mu Hongbo, put his arm around his neck with one hand, "Little brother, have you forgotten that our family is prosperous and declining? Some girls are here. Can we not laugh in our family?"

But Mu Ziheng rolled his eyes and retorted, "Who said that? I haven't seen other girls come to our house. Dad would smile like this!"

These young children have almost never seen Nangong Yuehua, and some have seen it, but at that time they were too young and their memories were not very deep. More than ten years have passed and they have all been forgotten.

Therefore, these young people are teasing their father and mother for their warm attitude in their hearts.

"However, I think it might be because she was the doctor who saved my uncle!" Mu Wenhao, the second son of Mu Haihua, said in a clear analysis.

"It's also possible!" The others nodded in agreement.

Mu Haiye’s son Mu Yifeng sat cross-legged on the ground with his hands propped on the ground, tilted his head to look at Chu Muyue, and said with a grin, “However, I look at her and seem to like it! Is it because the girl at home is here? Is it too little?"

"I think so too, and I like it too!" Mu Ziheng grinned, showing a bright smile.

The second generation of the Mu family didn't care what the young teenagers thought of Chu Muyue. All their thoughts fell on Chu Muyue.

Chu Muyue was slightly embarrassed in the face of the enthusiasm of Mu's family.

She didn't understand why they were so enthusiastic about themselves, as if they were seeing friends or relatives they hadn't seen for a long time.

At this time, Chu Muyue also thought about the Mu family's surname, and his father Mu Haixuan's father's surname was the same.

"This... I don't know where my patient is now? I can show him the disease first!" Chu Muyue wanted to see the patient first, and then quickly leave the enthusiastic family.

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