Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1400: The enthusiasm of Mu family 2

Facing the warm attitude of Mu's family, Chu Muyue only felt sweat on his forehead, and refused to say, "No, I have a house in the capital, so I don't need to prepare a house for me!"

"How can this work? How old are you, you are alone outside, so you can't worry about it. The two stinky boys in my family are still living at home in their twenties. They don't want to live outside. You are a girl. Child, we don't worry about living outside alone!" The eldest mother said in objection immediately.

The second aunt also said, "Yes, the girl’s family is dangerous outside. We invite you to the capital to be responsible for your safety. You must not be in any danger. You live in our house. Safe, rest assured, we will treat you as your own family! The room has been prepared for you, walk around, and show you the room first!"

Chu Muyue was dragged by the Mu's elder and second aunts to the room on the second floor.

If it was someone else, Chu Muyue would definitely be able to shake them away, not letting them drag her away.

However, I don't know why, facing their enthusiasm, she couldn't bear to refuse, and her legs followed them uncontrollably.

"Let’s go check it out!" Mu Yifeng said with a bright smile on his face, "I just saw my mother and the others doing something in the room, it’s mysterious, so I won’t let me see it. You are preparing a room for this Doctor Chu!"

"I'll take a look too!" Mu Ziheng also raised his hand and quickly followed Mu Yifeng.

The other people looked at each other, and they were all a little curious, and followed.

In their family, no one other than Mu's family has come to stay overnight. After all, Mr. Mu lives here and his safety must be considered!

The second-generation Mu family men sitting in the hall were all sitting on the sofa, looking at Mu Haixuan.

"Brother, is your head really comfortable?" Mu Haihua asked Mu Haixuan with concern while Chu Muyue was away.

Mu Haixuan nodded, and looked at Mu Haihua dissatisfied, "Am I that kind of person? My head is indeed much better, not so heavy!"

"It's good to be more comfortable!" The Mu family's life was afraid that Chu Muyue was there just now. Mu Haixuan was embarrassed to tell the truth, so he would speak a lot better, so I asked again at this time.

Mu Haiye sat beside Mu Haixuan and asked concerned, "Then... how do you feel about this Chu Muyue?"

"Feeling?" Mu Haixuan looked at Mu Haiye suspiciously, and asked puzzledly, "How does it feel?"

"That's..." Mu Haiye didn't know what to say, and turned to look at the other people.

Mu Haihua said calmly, "It was what we planned. You first see if she feels kind and likes it, and if she really cures your headache, I want you to What do you think of admitting her as your goddaughter?"

Elder Mu, Mu Haiwei and other brothers turned their heads to look at Mu Haihua one by one. They are indeed political, and they do not blush or pant when lying.

Mu Haixuan thought for a while and nodded, "Yes, I also feel that the first time I saw her, I felt very kind and familiar, as if there was a... an unspeakable feeling, just wanting Go and protect her!"

After listening to Mu Haixuan's words, everyone in the Mu family glanced at each other secretly. They are indeed fathers and daughters. This is the feeling of blood relatives!

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