Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1402: The enthusiasm of Mu family 4

Chu Muyue and the Mu family sat on a large round table.

Because there are more than a dozen people from the Mu family plus three generations, the tables in this restaurant are all huge and can seat twenty people.

The eldest aunt and the second aunt were with Chu Muyue just now, because they used to know Nangong Yuehua. When Nangong Yuehua was at home, they had a very good relationship with her.

Therefore, it was up to them to take Chu Muyue, and the third and fourth aunts were cooking dinner with the maid.

Auntie and the maid brought all the food up and placed them on the turntable of the big round table.

"Come here, everyone sits down and starts eating!"

"Today is a rare reunion, and my brother's headache may also be cured, so I have to celebrate!"

Chu Muyue looked at a large group of Mu family members, and felt that there were so many families in her heart.

Moreover, this pleasant atmosphere made her a little envious, and she wanted to join it.

Regardless of whether the Chu family calculated comparisons with each other or ruthlessly framed each other, she felt cool, and she also hoped that she could have a warm family.

"Doctor Chu, what kind of drink would you like to drink, Coke or Sprite?" The aunt sitting next to Chu Muyue asked Chu Muyue caringly.

"I can do it!" Chu Muyue said indifferently.

"Okay!" The aunt nodded, casually helped Chu Muyue pour a glass of Coke and placed it in front of her.

Chu Muyue was a little cautious, and thanked him, "Thank you!"

"Thank you!" The aunt said softly, "Dr. Chu, come and have a taste. Do you like these dishes? We don't know what you like. Just make some. You can tell us, What do you like to eat, we can cook it for you in the future!"

Chu Muyue shook her head quickly and said, "It's okay, don't have to be so troublesome, I can eat it, there is no taboo!"

"Then do you have anything you like to eat?" Second aunt asked caringly again.

Chu Muyue smiled and said, "I can do it, there is nothing to like or dislike."

"Girls have to treat themselves better, eat better, look at your child, who has thin arms and thin legs, is not eating well and living well?" The aunt looked at Chu Muyue's arm distressedly. , Asked concerned.

Chu Muyue looked at her arms and body. Her body was much better than before she was reborn, and she was a lot fatter.

However, she has always exercised, and her figure has always maintained this condition.

"No, I often exercise, that's why I don't seem to be very fat. My figure is already pretty good!" Chu Muyue explained with a smile.

"But you are still thin, you are still growing body, but you need to eat more. Today we specially prepared old hen soup for you, drink more, to replenish your body!" the aunt said with concern.

Chu Muyue smiled and nodded, and with both hands took the small bowl the second aunt had filled for herself.

This Mu family is so enthusiastic, can she leave?

Unconsciously, she unexpectedly expected Senior Brother Xiao to be here, so she had an excuse to leave.

At the same time, Xiao Junyan, who was eating dinner in the cadre cafeteria of the military region, sneezed fiercely and touched his nose.

This sneeze also caused the generals and cadres in the cadre canteen to stare at him, and some still had a big mouthful of food in their mouths.

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