Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1409: Xiao Junyan's answer 3

Chu Muyue was still crying, but suddenly she heard a slamming door on the phone and the sound of the engine's motor, and she recovered from crying.

"Xiao...Senior Brother Xiao, what are you doing?" Chu Muyue asked Xiao Junyan choked up.

Xiao Junyan's voice soon came over, "I'm here! Be with you!"

Chu Muyue looked up, took a look at the sky outside, and said quickly, "No, I...I can do it alone!"

"No, you are very sad now!" Xiao Junyan's heart was painful before, as if he couldn't breathe.

Hearing Chu Muyue's cry, he just couldn't help but want to rush to her and put her in his arms.

Chu Muyue was immediately warmed by Xiao Junyan's words, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, dissipating a lot of the shock that she had just learned that Mu Haixuan was her father.

"No, Brother Xiao, you don't come, I'm alone, it's okay! Don't worry!" Chu Muyue didn't want Xiao Junyan to worry any more, and wiped the tears on his cheeks, pretending to be strong.

However, Xiao Junyan didn't listen to Chu Muyue. The sound of the motor in the phone became louder and louder, and it seemed that there was a speeding posture.

Xiao Junyan only spit out two words to Chu Muyue. "I come!"

Chu Muyue didn't know what to say for a while. She knew that this man really loved her.

Even though he is usually cold and cold, he is indifferent to anyone, and even more ruthless, but he has done everything to her, and has never complained or regrets.

"Senior Brother Xiao, don't come over. If you show up in front of me and let me see you, I...I don't like you!" Chu Muyue bit her lip and said threateningly.

You know, Xiao Junyan is not the time when he first met her, he still has a job, and she doesn't want him to leave any penalties he remembered because of her.

Sure enough, upon hearing Chu Muyue's threatening words from behind, there was a harsh and unpleasant braking sound on the other side of the phone.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Junyan's voice came, "Why?"

He didn't understand why she didn't let him go, let him stay by her side.

Chu Muyue bit her lip, with a feeling of holding back her smile, firmly comforting a certain "older child" Xiao Junyan, "You have to believe me, I can, since I have already cried, I have vented it, it's okay, don't worry , I’m fine, don’t worry about me, I don’t want you to waste your job because of me, don’t you still have to come to the capital to work? For me, you work hard, and in the future, you will also transfer your work to the capital! ?"

She knew that she wanted to come to the capital because of her cry just now, which made him worry.

Xiao Junyan on the other side of the phone was silent for a while, and replied, "Okay, no, but you have to take care of yourself, the phone is on, I listen to you sleeping!"

Chu Muyue was a little bit dumbfounded by Xiao Junyan's words. How worried is this guy? She is not a child!

"I'm not a kid!" Chu Muyue said angrily.

Xiao Junyan frowned and used the threat directly, "Don't worry, otherwise, I will come to the capital!"

Well, someone will use threats again.

Chu Muyue bit her finger, this guy is really getting less and less cute, "I want to take a bath!"

"It's okay, put on the bed, I'll listen!" Xiao Junyan still said flatly.

Chu Muyue was absolutely disappointed and didn't want to talk to him.

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