Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1419: Meet again Gan Yongxin 4

Chu Muyue beat Gan Yongxin and others into embarrassment and fled, seeing Mu's family and others dumbfounded.

Mu Yutao and the others stiffened their necks, watching Gan Yongxin and the others escape, then turned to look at Chu Muyue, the muscles at the corners of their eyes and mouth were twitching.

"Mu...Sister Mu Yue!" Mu Yutao walked to Chu Muyue's face and cried out with a dry smile.

Chu Muyue turned around and smiled brightly at Mu Yutao and the others, "Is everything all right?"

When asked this, Mu Yutao and several big men suddenly felt a bit fiery pain in their faces.

"No... it's okay!" Mu Yutao and the others were all dejected. It was so shocking that they were not allowed to work as brothers.

Looking at the appearance of Mu Yutao and others, Chu Muyue touched her nose and reminded him, "Didn't you say you are going to have lunch? Why? Don't you go?"

"Go!" Mu Yutao heard it and nodded quickly, "Go to eat first! Sister Mu Yue can't be hungry anymore!"

A few people came to their own box and sat in their seats.

Chu Muyue took a sip of tea and looked at Mu Yutao and others who were constantly sighing and crying. "What's wrong with you? Don't you want to eat with me?"

"Of course not!" Mu Wenhao shook his head, sighed, and looked at Chu Muyue depressed, "Sister Mu Yue, how can you have such a good skill? We should protect you. Now you are protecting us. Up!"

Mu Yutao also asked Chu Muyue curiously, "Yes! How come you are so good?"

Chu Muyue laughed and said, "It's okay, as you all know, I am a Chinese medicine doctor and I am studying Huatuo Wuqinxi, so I only have a little skill!"

"Really?" The Mu family brothers still seemed to be a little bit unbelievable.

Chu Muyue rolled her eyes without angrily, and said, "Of course, otherwise you think, how did my skill come from?"

Brother Mu nodded, "That's what I said!"

"Hey! I just didn't expect you to be so good. From now on, it will not be our brother who will protect you, but you will be the sister who will protect us!" Mu Yutao finished with a deep sigh.

This is the gap, it's so terrible.

Chu Muyue laughed, put his hands on the table, slightly propped up, and said jokingly, "Why not? My sister will protect you from now on!"

"Oh!" Mu Yutao sighed, but remembered Gan Yongxin again, and asked inexplicably, "How did you meet Gan Yongxin? How did he molest you last time? Did he do anything to you?"

"I went out to dinner with Yan Chen and they met Gan Yongxin. Gan Yongxin wanted to attack me, so I was taught a lesson!" Chu Muyue shrugged and asked curiously, "However, Who is he? You don’t seem to have a good relationship!"

Last time I saw that Gan Yongxin had a bad relationship with the Yan family, and now I see the Mu family also have a bad relationship with Gan Yongxin, Chu Muyue is still very curious.

Are the two different parties? This is really possible.

Mu Yutao glanced at each other, knowing Chu Muyue’s identity, and felt that this matter still needs to be explained to Chu Muyue, so as not to be bullied in the future. “Gan Yongxin’s mother Hua Fengjun is actually the uncle The former fiancee!"

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