Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1424: The Mu brothers are hit 5

Mu Yutao coughed, sat on the sofa, and added, "I don’t know what Sister Mu Yue’s mind is. I will explain the Forbidden City from beginning to end, the legendary stories before the construction, and the five elements of the Forbidden City. Gossip and Feng Shui theory have been told to us again! Even more tour guides than those tour guides!"

Hearing Mu Yutao's explanation, Mu Haiye suddenly laughed.

Elder Mu also looked at Mu Yutao and the others very dissatisfied, "Now you know that you are no better than Mu Yue, you stinky brats are proud!"

Alas, he just said, his granddaughter is the most powerful and outstanding!

Not only has superb medical skills, but also has such a wide range of knowledge.

Mu Haixuan couldn't help but gave Chu Muyue a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "It's no wonder these guys have a frustrated look!"

"Yes!" Mu Haiye glanced at her life disgustingly, "One year older than Mu Yue, so useless!"

Mu Yifeng was about to cover his face, and looked at Mu Haiye aggrievedly, "Dad, don't talk about me, I've already suffered a big blow!"

"It's good to be shocked, see if you dare not study seriously!" Mu Haiye smiled triumphantly, looking at his son's depressed expression, it was particularly refreshing.

"You can't beat Sister Mu Yue!" Mu Yifeng rolled his eyes at Mu Haiye, and said with contempt.

But Mu Haiye didn't blush at all, and fought back normally, "That's different! I'm so old, how can I learn?"

"Anyway, Mu Yue is still the smartest and the most powerful!" The more he saw Chu Mu Yue, the more he liked it, and he felt very proud.

The elder mother came over with tea and said with a smile, "So, let's see if you dare to know how to play in the future!"

"It's shameful that no brother is as good as a younger sister!" The fourth aunt also glanced at her two sons disgustingly, and commented.

The third aunt smiled and put the snack on the coffee table, and said softly to Chu Muyue, "Mu Yue, come, have some snack, let's not talk to these stinky boys, it's really shameful!"

"Thank you!" Chu Muyue quickly thanked him gratefully, casting sympathetic eyes at Mu Yutao and others.

Mu Hongbo complained to his mother with dissatisfaction, "Mom, you say this, don't you fear that we will be overwhelmed, but we will not recover?"

"Humph!" The four aunts didn't speak, but Elder Mu just hummed his nose, "I'm still sluggish. I can't even beat my own sister, and you really have a face. In this case, you are not our Mu family!"

Mu Hongbo was immediately depressed and innocent, well, there really is no reason for him to be depressed.

Mu Yutao and others turned to look at Chu Muyue, all with a sad look on their faces.

Chu Muyue coughed embarrassingly, and quickly diverted everyone's attention and topic, and said to Mu Haixuan, "It's almost time, shall I give you acupuncture to Mr. Mu?"

"It's okay, no hurry, you are going out one day late, you must be very tired! Let's take a break!" The aunt said to Chu Muyue with concern.

Chu Muyue smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm not tired! The treatment is the best now! It's exactly twenty-four hours since yesterday!"

"That's it! Okay!" Mu Haiye listened and nodded, "Then treat first, I'll go up and help you get the medical kit!"

"Thank you San Bo!"

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