Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1430: Meng's house in the hospital 2

"If this is the case, then forget it, we still have things, then we won't come!" Mu Haiye said with a smile.

Meng Kang smiled dryly and quickly shifted his gaze. He still remembered clearly why he came out because he heard Meng Qing call Chu Muyue's name.

Regarding Chu Muyue, Meng Kang also investigated some, and naturally saw her appearance. Although there is a lot of gap between the photo and the real person, the group of people in front of him are all male except for Chu Muyue. So I recognized it at a glance.

"Doctor Chu!" Meng Kang smiled and stretched out his hand at Chu Muyue, "Hello, Doctor Chu, my name is Meng Kang, I called you before!"

Chu Muyue pretended to be puzzled, looked at Meng Kang's outstretched hand, and asked incomprehensibly, "When was the call? Why didn't I remember it?"

Looking at the appearance of Chu Muyue next to him, Mu Haiye was amused, standing aside, gloating at the reaction of Meng's family.

Meng Kang's face flushed a little, and he opened his mouth, suddenly not knowing what to say.

Meng Lan was very embarrassed, but she was still very good at being a human being. She quickly pushed Meng Qing out and explained, "Miss Chu, I know you may have forgotten because you are busy with the company. It was our Meng family who was sorry for you before. You're making trouble, but we really don't know about this matter. It's all this stupid brother's confusing thing. I can ask him to apologize! As long as you are willing to treat my father, our Meng family owes you a favor! "

"Oh, I remember now, you are the one who called me! But..." Chu Muyue raised her eyes and looked at Meng Qing, with the corners of her mouth rising slightly, "I'm afraid, brother is not willing, right?"

Meng Qing suddenly yelled, staring at Chu Muyue viciously, threatening her viciously, "Chu Muyue, you'd better cure my father's disease. If my dad has anything to do, I will definitely not let it go. your!"

"Shut up!" Both Meng Kang and Meng Lan stared with anger at Meng Qing's words.

"Heh!" Hearing Meng Qing's threatening words, the faces of the Mu family behind him showed sneers.

Don't talk about himself, even if his father is still healthy now, he dare not say that.

Chu Muyue also looked at Meng Qing mockingly, turned her head and said to Meng Kang and Meng Lan brothers and sisters, "Hehe, you guys have seen it too, I'm really sorry, it's not that I don't want to treat your father, but that I have to do it for me. For the sake of safety of life, let's forget it! After all, everyone is born, old, sick, and died, and your father is already very big. I don't dare to go for treatment. If I'm not careful, I'm afraid I will die on the spot!"

Meng Lan quickly smiled at Chu Muyue and apologized, "Doctor Chu, don't listen to this bastard. He is no longer a child of our Meng family. From now on, everything about him will have nothing to do with our Meng family. relationship!"

"Yes!" Meng Kang gritted his teeth and stared fiercely with an angry Meng Qing, and nodded, "Doctor Chu, I will also take back the company he has on hand, and I won't let him do anything to you anymore. Ability to shoot!"

Hearing what his elder brother said, Meng Qing's eyes widened suddenly. He didn't expect that his elder brother would really cut off relations with him and would destroy the company he was holding.

"Brother, what are you talking about!" Meng Qing exclaimed.

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