Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1452: Mu's father and daughter recognize each other 4

Chu Muyue smiled and comforted Mu Haixuan, "Dad, he is in Linshi now, but I can call him to come over and meet you!"

If Chu Zhiming comes and recognizes Mu Haixuan, then her identity can be determined even without DNA.

"This matter is not in a hurry, it is already very late. I will pick him up before I tell Yuqing to come back tomorrow!" Mu Haiwei said with a smile, "Let him come over now, it will be very tiring!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Mu Haixuan nodded quickly, "then tomorrow! Let him come tomorrow!"

Chu Muyue hugged Mu Haixuan's arm and said with a smile, "Then I will have two dads!"

"As long as you like it, as many dads as you like!" Mu Haixuan let out a hearty laugh, and looked at his daughter dozingly.

The daughter of him and Nangong Yuehua finally grew so big, and she was still so slim, and she looked so similar to Nangong Yuehua.

Most importantly, his memory was only retrieved by his own daughter.

"Sister Mu Yue, you will really be our sister in the future! Dear!" Mu Yutao smiled and said to Chu Muyue.

Mu Wenhao also smiled and said, "Yes! In the future, we will all be able to have a younger sister, not that the whole family is stinky!"

"That's right!" Mu Ziheng bulged and looked at the older brothers of the Mu family, "However, I am still the youngest one!"

"Isn't the youngest okay?" Chu Muyue smiled, touched Mu Ziheng's head, and said boldly, "In the future, sister, I will cover you!"

Mu Ziheng tilted his head, then nodded heavily, staring at Chu Muyue with beaming eyes, all of which were full of worship, "This can be there!"

This cousin of my own, whether in medical skills or skill, is so powerful, if my sister is looking for it, who dares to bully him!

"You stinky boy, even if you are young, you are also a boy, and you have to protect your sister!" Mu Haixu raised his hand and knocked on Mu Ziheng's head.

Mu Ziheng turned his head and glared at his father very innocently, and touched his head.

When everyone looked at Mu Ziheng who was aggrieved and innocent, they all let out a burst of hearty laughter.

Mu Haixuan turned his head, looked at Chu Muyue, and said, "Xiao Yueer, you are back now, so please change your name back. You should be called Muyue. I think Chu Zhiming asked you to be Chu Muyue. , Did not change other names, but also to hide your last name, so that you can change it back now!"

"Yes, yes, you have to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors. I will let Yuqing and Wenyuan come back. At that time, we will have a reunion dinner together and officially let Mu Yue recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors!" Elder Mu also nodded in agreement and clapped. .

The eldest aunt also smiled and nodded and said, "Yes! I want to reunite and celebrate!"

Chu Muyue thought for a while, looked up at Mu Haixuan, and said, "It's okay to recognize the ancestor and return to the clan, but if you change your name, you still have to wait for my dad to come to the capital. Let's talk about it. After all, my dad gave me this name. !"

"Yeah! Yes, it's up to you!" Mu Haixuan did not force Chu Muyue either.

He was also afraid that he was too strong, but it would make Chu Muyue very uncomfortable.

Elder Mu nodded in agreement, "Yes, I have to ask him what he meant!"

Even so, everyone felt that Chu Zhiming would not refuse. After all, Chu Muyue could not stop Chu Muyue from recognizing his ancestors.

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