There is a shop in Panjiayuan that specializes in selling jade. Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan walked into the shop and made a few laps.

What makes Mu Yue sad is that these things are almost all fakes, and Yu has no spirituality.

"It's okay, look for it again!" Xiao Junyan comforted her when she saw Mu Yue's regret and sadness.

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Well, let's look for it again. Let's look for it. If there is any rough stone, we can bet on the stone!"

If you want real jade, you can also buy it in a jade shop. However, sometimes the ancient jade is spiritual, or Mu Yue carved the jade himself, the amulet works best.

Since he had to do it, Mu Yue naturally had to do the right thing, and he couldn't just do it casually. That's why he thought of coming to Panjiayuan to find the jade he was looking for.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan deliberately found a jade shop that could sell rough stones.

Looking at this jade shop, there is a place where there are pieces of rough stones, there are jade in it, and whether there is jade, it depends on the individual's luck.

Chi Yan who followed was a little bit unable to understand Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan. The two of them wandered around, but they didn't buy anything. They just bought so many in the mall, but they didn't buy it here.

Although puzzled and curious, Chi Yan also followed in.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan also didn't go to the counters selling jade, but went straight to the area selling rough stones.

Looking at the stones of various shapes, no one would have thought that selling the valuable jade was cut out of it.

Mu Yue squatted in these rough stones and looked at them. She was 100% sure that all the rough stones inside were able to produce jade.

Chi Yan watched that Mu Yue turned around the original stone, seeming to be studying the original stone, and came over.

"Ms. Chu, are you buying rough stones? This is not an easy thing to bet on. Although jade can be cut out of it, some of them can be cut out!" Chi Yan kindly reminded Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded slightly, and the answer was very plain, "Well, I know, I just look around, just play around!"

She also visited such places. When she was in Xingshi, she didn't get an outpatient box, but also gave her another space. This was definitely a **** luck.

Using her eyes ability, Mu Yue glanced quickly, and roughly knew which rough stones contained jade, and which rough stones contained no jade.

Although Mu Yue knew it in her heart, she still did it on the surface, touched her chin, and muttered to herself, "Which one should I buy? It seems that the price is not very expensive!"

Among the rough stones, some are expensive and some are cheap. It depends on the probability of jade coming out of this kind of rough stone. If it is large, the price will be more expensive, and the probability will be cheaper.

"A few, do you want to buy rough stones? These rough stones are specially shipped from Yunnan! Moreover, the probability of green production is very high!" A middle-aged man who looked like a boss smiled and walked over. Said to Mu Yue and them.

Although Mu Yue's clothes were very ordinary, she couldn't hold the clothes on Chi Yan and Xiao Junyan. Moreover, there was the elegant and noble temperament exuding from Mu Yue's body.

This made the boss feel that the three people in front of him are rich masters, so they immediately greeted them with enthusiasm.

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