Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1492: Our wealth is not exposed 1

Chi Yan turned his head innocently to look at Mu Yue, pointed to the original stone, and said, "I... I seem to accidentally broke it!"

Sure enough, when he said this, he received Xiao Junyan's cold eyes full of murderous intent, and Chi Yan's body was trembling with fright.

He really wanted to say that he didn't mean it, it was the **** Meng Qing who hit him.

Now if Meng Qing was in front of him, he would definitely step forward and trample that guy under his feet severely.

I was unlucky, and I had to pull him up. He might be stared at by the murderous senior with murderous eyes.

"I...I will pay you money!" Chi Yan said weakly.

Mu Yue waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just take it back like this, if it breaks, it will break! It's no wonder you, it's Meng Qing's fault!"

"En En En!" Chi Yan nodded quickly, but still apologized, "Give me this stone, and I will give you the money!"

"It's okay, no, just take it and put it in the car outside!" Mu Yue shook his head and said in refusal.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Chi Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to see Xiao Junyan.

Chi Yan hurriedly took the rough stone lying on the ground before he picked it up. The rough stone was cracked on both sides with a sound of "card".

It's okay that it's not broken, and Chi Yan's eyes are about to stare out when it breaks.

Looking at the inside of this stone, it turned out to be all jade, and the ugly rough stone is only that thin layer.

And it seems that the quality is better than the cut out in the shop.

Although Chi Yan does not like gambling on stones, he has his usual understanding of some luxury goods. So even if you don’t know what the quality of this jade is, you can tell more or less that the high grade of this jade is better The cut out in the shop is even better.

Suddenly, Chi Yan remembered the sentence Mu Yue had just said, and it was the sentence that made him dazed, and was directly hit by Meng Qing, "Don't you know the word that money is not exposed?"

"Is the money exposed?" Chi Yan muttered to herself for a while, "Could it be that Miss Chu has long known that there is jade material in this rough stone, and it is better than the jade material cut out in the shop, so it is not here. Cut it in the shop?"

Mu Yue really shocked him too much.

How did she see that the jade in this rough stone is good or bad!

Chi Yan quickly picked up the rough stone on the ground, followed Mu Yue's footsteps, and quickly caught up.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan didn't go very fast, so Chi Yan immediately caught up.

Chi Yan walked to Mu Yue's side and asked in surprise and curiosity, "Miss Chu, what you just said, "Don't you know the word "cai is not exposed?" "Is the stuff in it better than the stuff you cut in the store?"

With that, Chi Yan handed Mu Yue the jade material that had been smashed in half.

Mu Yue glanced at the jade material that had been smashed in half, understood what he was talking about, smiled at him slightly, and said, "Since you know, do you want to ask more?"

"Uh, really? What do you think? I heard that betting on rocks is luck!" Chi Yan suddenly became dumb, staring at Mu Yue in surprise.

Mu Yue smiled mysteriously at Chi Yan and said, "I am a Chinese medicine doctor, and I can see whether there is jade in it through Chinese medicine. I can only say so much. Everything depends on understanding!"


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