Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1508: Good man Xiao Junyan 3

Mu Yue helped her four aunts say good things for Xiao Junyan, completely standing on Xiao Junyan's side, and feeling happy.

As long as the hearts of these four aunts are brought to Xiao Junyan's side, everything will be half resolved.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue tenderly, he naturally knew that what she was cooking today was to be able to bring her aunts to his side.

Everyone couldn't help but admire the meals of Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan.

In particular, the four aunts praised Mu Yue Xiao Junyan even more, especially Xiao Junyan, a big man, who did better than their craftsmanship that they had done for decades.

They all couldn't help but ask Xiao Junyan for advice, how he did it, and teach them.

In contrast to the Mu's elders, all of them ate the dishes made by Mu Yue. For Xiao Junyan, they just ate it for the first time and stopped eating.

And what Xiao Junyan did was only the Yan family members and the four aunts.

Yan Xiutong ate, still admiring, and muttering, "It's delicious! I have decided. I must find a husband who knows how to cook in the future, so I won't need to cook in the future!"

Yan Hongxin couldn't help but spit out, "Then you might as well marry a chef's husband!"

"If the chef's husband cooks not only well, but also treats me well, of course I will marry!" Yan Xiutong raised her chin and said triumphantly.

"Um!" Yan Hongxin was choked by Yan Xiutong's words. He really wanted to marry a chef!

Then, Yan Hongxin looked at Yan Lao again, with a little question in his eyes, as if asking Yan Lao, is that right?

Old Yan squeaked the drink in front of him and said faintly, "Well, it's okay, if you can learn 70% to 80% of Mu Yue's craftsmanship, it's okay! I can eat the old man often in the future!"

This makes sense, as if Yan Xiutong’s married husband is just cooking for his elderly, it’s better to invite a chef home!

Yan Chen couldn't help but said, "Why don't you just ask a chef to go home?"

But Old Yan stared at him, "Please cook, if you want money, grandson-in-law doesn't need money, you know?"

Yan Chen immediately smashed it, smashed it, and groaned in his heart, our family is not short of money! Do you still care about this?

However, he is not good at refuting what his grandfather said, and can only silently eat the delicious dishes in front of him.

Well, he also felt that if he could eat such delicious dishes in the future, it would really be a happy thing!

Subconsciously, Yan Chen looked at Xiao Junyan again, silently admiring him, as expected to be Young Master Xiao, everything can be done, I guess, besides having children, there is nothing else, right?

Elder Mu glanced at Elder Yan, hummed twice, but did not speak.

"Mr. Mu, I really envy you that you have such a good taste, you can have such a delicious meal in the future!" Mr. Yan said to Mr. Mu with a smile.

Elder Mu picked up the bowl and muttered, "Old man, I'm not rare! It's better that Xiaoyue'er made it!"

Old Yan suddenly said in a dumb, he didn't know what to say, so he could only turn his head and glance at Xiao Junyan, then cast a sympathetic look at him.

Those eyes seemed to say, "Boy, you have a long way to go to marry a little girl!"

Mu Yue glanced at Yan Lao gratefully, smiled and nodded, thanking him for saying good things to Xiao Junyan.

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