Mu Yue brought everyone from the Mu family to the newly opened medicinal restaurant in Lin City.


"Oh my God!"

Mu Yutao and the others couldn't help screaming when they saw the medicated food restaurant.

"Xiao Yue'er, is this your restaurant?" Mu Hongbo turned his head in surprise and asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue hasn't answered yet, Ling Hong just smiled and introduced it to the side, "Yes, this medicinal restaurant is not only Chu Dong's, but Chu Dong personally participated in the design!"

"As expected of my younger sister!" Mu Yutao said proudly after hearing this.

Mu Wenhao nodded in agreement, and said contentedly, "Sister Yue is really amazing. Others' sisters will only act like a baby, and our sister has already accomplished something they couldn't accomplish in a lifetime!"

"Who would say no? In the future, if they dare to show off in front of me how cute the sister is, I will fight back. Our sister is not only beautiful and cute, but also outstanding!" Mu Hongbo also said with a smile.

Mu Yue listened to the praise of the previous cousins, and couldn't help but three black lines fell on his forehead, and his face was a little red, and he felt that he dared not raise his head because of the praise.

Mu Ziheng had already walked to the lobby of the medicinal restaurant, turned his head to look at the selection areas on both sides, and asked Mu Yue curiously, "What is this?"

Ling Hong walked up quickly and introduced with a smile, "Here are some fish, shrimps and crabs. They are all fresh. When choosing the ingredients, you can directly buy them here. Every diner who buys orders here. Moreover, it is taken directly from here, absolutely fresh!"

Hearing Ling Hong's explanation, Mu Yifeng said admiringly, "Good idea!"

"I want to see, I want to see what I want to eat!" When Mu Ziheng heard it, he quickly ran inside.

Ling Hong hurriedly said to Mu Ziheng, "Mu Shao, don't use this. We are in the innermost box building. There are also some ingredients over there, which are better than the ingredients here!"

"Oh, there's more in the back?" Mu Ziheng listened and asked curiously.

"Yes, our medicated diet restaurant has a hierarchical system. The higher the level, the more quality and variety. Some medicinal diets are only provided to gold card members, and other members can't eat it!" Ling Hong He nodded quickly and explained.

When Mu Yifeng heard this, he was extremely excited, and said, "Oh, okay! Then let's go quickly!"

It turned out to be like this. There are also hierarchical boxes in the capital, but there are no medicinal meals that can and cannot be eaten.

Mu Hongbo asked with some curiosity, "Is there any difference between the edible and the inedible?"

"There is naturally a difference. Since our medicated diet restaurant mainly focuses on the theme of medicated diet, it is of course centered on medicated diet. Those medicated diets eaten by high-level members are slightly more expensive. However, medicinal materials are also precious materials. The effect is better!" Ling Hong explained with a smile, "Moreover, the amount of medicine and alcohol for gold members will be allocated more!"

"Medicinal wine?" Mu Ziheng looked at Ling Hong in confusion.

Ling Hong nodded and explained, "Yes, medicinal wine is a kind of wine that can strengthen the body and refresh the mind. He is brewed from Chinese herbal medicines, which is better than other beer and liquor on the table. , Even if you drink more, it won’t cause any harm to your body!"

"Gudong!" Mu Yifeng swallowed, "Medicinal wine, can I drink it then?"

Ling Hong nodded and said, "Yes! As long as you are over eight years old, you can drink medicinal wine like an adult."

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