"Well, Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company produces some other drugs, such as drugs for foot moss, hand cream, etc.!" Mu Yue smiled slightly and said to everyone, "Plus my dream cosmetics series Products, as the main product of the drugstore, the rest, you can use some other medicines, skin care products, and cosmetic products!"

Mu Haiye nodded in agreement and said, "This is indeed a good idea! My company specializes in foreign trade, and can combine with your cosmeceutical store to add some foreign medicines, skin care products, and cosmetics."

"It's just that this is a chain, so I'm just an idea for the time being. When the medicinal restaurants I built in other areas are also built, and a small building is built around it, it is appropriate to sell these products!" Mu Yue smiled and said .

"Eh! You can't help it, I have it!" Mu Haiye said with a smile when he heard it, "You don't need to worry about this matter, I will discuss with your subordinates, and we will discuss a result. After that, I will ask about your situation. What do you think?"

"Yeah! It's okay!" Mu Yue nodded after listening.

In China, both now and in the future, pharmacies are separated from cosmetics and skin care products. There are few pharmacies. Only some foreign countries have such chains.

Therefore, it can be said that the drug store they are creating is an innovation and an experiment, which has a long way to go.

However, Mu Yue is confident in the skin care products and medicines he produces, and believes that this drugstore will be popular throughout the country.

"Okay, third brother, don't talk about these things. Xiao Yueer just got off the plane, so you should let her rest first!" Mu Haixuan was dissatisfied when he saw that his daughter was going to get his own company again. The reminder of Mu Haiye.

Listening to Mu Haixuan's words, Mu Haiye rolled his eyes angrily, really wondering what to say to him.

This is to make more money for his daughter, okay?

Mu Yue was also a little bit dumbfounded, "Dad, I'm not tired. If you are tired, sit down and rest first. Moreover, you can drink the medicinal wine that I brewed myself. How does it taste? I don't know if you like it or not. If you like, this When you go back to the capital, take some more home! By the way, give Grandpa and them some too. When I'm at home, I don't have a chance to brew it!"

There is time for brewing, but she can't take out the medicinal wine from her space, so she can only come back and get some medicinal wine back.

"Did you brew medicinal wine yourself?" Mu Haixuan smiled triumphantly when he heard Mu Yue's words, "Okay, I want to drink some!"

Ling Hong had asked the waiter to pour a glass of wine for everyone, and handed it to everyone, "Everyone, come and taste the medicinal wine brewed by Chu Dong himself!"

"Sister Yue made it herself! Of course!" Mu Yutao nodded and said expectantly.

Mu Wenhao took a deep breath of the medicinal liquor, and was exclaimed, "It smells so good, I feel that the exhaustion caused by flying by plane is gone!"

"Yeah! Just smelling the smell, I feel that the exhaustion of the whole body is dissipated a lot!" Mu Haiye also said with a deep sigh, "Now I finally understand why those rich people think so. I’m going to become a member of the Medicinal Restaurant!"

"This medicinal wine alone is enough for this reason!" Mu Yutao nodded in agreement.

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