Mu Yifeng greeted everyone and sat in front of Mu Yue.

In the past, everyone didn’t say much about you, only Mu Yifeng and Qiao Mobai changed. This time it was Mu Yifeng and Yuan Xiao’s turn to sit together. Qiao Mobai changed and went with Xiang Tianhe. .

Because everyone already knew each other, they all knew that Mu Yifeng was going to be with Mu Yue, so Qiao Mobai simply went to sit with Xiang Tianhe.

Mu Yifeng turned his head, smiled at Mu Yue, and asked caringly, "Is everything in your dormitory?"

"Yeah! It's done!" Mu Yue nodded lightly and gave him a comforting smile, "I'm so old, don't worry about it!"

"If you need anything, just tell me!" Mu Yifeng promised, patted his chest.

Ouyang Mengxi glanced at Mu Yifeng enviously, and whispered to Mu Yue, "Your brother is really good to you!"

"Yes!" Mu Yue nodded in agreement, although he was just a cousin, but he was even more intimate than his own brother.

Although I agree, I still feel a little depressed, not for anything else, because the people in the family are really too precious to her, the baby is too much.

Yu Chengwei talked about today's affairs, then asked the boys to move the new book by the way, and said to Mu Yue, "Chu Muyue, Yuan Xiao, Wu Hongjun, come out!"

Hearing Yu Chengwei calling himself, Mu Yue all three stood up.

"What did the head teacher tell them to do?" Mu Yifeng frowned and asked puzzledly.

Yan Yu shrugged, "Who knows! But, there shouldn't be anything wrong!"

Looking at Mu Yifeng sitting in front of Mu Yue, Yan Yu touched his nose and told his father about Mu Yifeng's transfer to their class.

Yan Shijie was also shocked, but he also told him that he must have a good relationship with Mu Yifeng, and even more so, that he must maintain a relationship with Mu Yue. If you have any questions, you can talk to him.

In the past, his father strictly ordered him not to use his name for his affairs, but when he met Mu Yue, his father asked him to find him directly.

Mu Yue, Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao followed Yu Chengwei to the outside balcony.

Yu Chengwei looked at Mu Yue and said, "The three of you were the top three in the last semester. The school intends to let you give a speech, and you all prepare a draft!"

Listening to the class teacher, Wu Hongjun and Yuan Xiao both nodded, "Okay!"

"When do you want the manuscript?" Mu Yue glanced at Wu Hongjun and the others, and asked.

"There will be an orientation party in the school. You also participated in the three grades together. You just go up and give a speech, Chu Muyue, do you have time? If you don't have time, then... forget it!" Yu Cheng Wei opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't force Mu Yue.

Who makes Mu Yue's current situation a bit special? Not only study inside the school, but also run a company outside.

Moreover, the company's growth rate made him, a teacher, very speechless.

Especially during the summer vacation, he took his family to the new medicated food restaurant to eat medicated food, which was truly shocked.

Such a big handwriting made him feel ashamed as a teacher, and even amazed her ability.

He didn't know how Mu Yue created such a medicinal restaurant.

In addition to the medicinal restaurant, there is also a dream cosmetics company. This product is also very popular. He can't afford it, so he can only watch it silently.

But just looking at it, I sighed silently in my heart, why is the gap between this person and person so big?

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