Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1550: Love Letters Like Drizzle 3

Among the crazy love letters, Mu Yue finally got through the weekend and left school.

The person who came to pick up Mu Yue was naturally Mu Haiye.

Mu Yue and Mu Yifeng walked to the school gate together with everyone.

When Mu Haiye saw Mu Yue and the others, he waved at them.

Others who come to pick up the children, especially those with money, are their own drivers, not the parents themselves.

People who knew Mu Haiye had a little money, and the drivers who came to pick up their children were drivers, so they didn't know Mu Haiye.

So, now, even if Mu Haiye is standing here, no one finds something wrong, and no one thinks it is very familiar.

Mu Yue smiled and walked to Mu Haiye's face and waved his hand, "San Bo! Why are you here yourself!"

"Of course I'm here to pick you up, I don't worry about handing it over to someone else!" Mu Haiye took it for granted, and helped Mu Yue open the door of the back seat, "Hurry in!"

Mu Yifeng held the back of his head with both hands, and smiled helplessly, "Oh, in this family, I am less and less liked!"

In this family, it's not just themselves, even the uncle and the person they care about most is Mu Yue alone.

Mu Yue reluctantly got into the car first, so as not to cause any commotion here.

Yan Yu stared in surprise and looked at Mu Haiye who helped Mu Yue open the door. He didn't expect that Mu Haiye would come to accept Mu Yue.

He knew Mu Haiye's identity better than anyone, but he didn't expect that he would come here in person.

Mu Yue turned around, waved at Yan Yu and the others, and got into the car.

Mu Haiye turned his head and glanced at the teenagers who followed Mu Yue, and when he saw Yan Yu, he nodded to him, "You are a good boy, you are like your father, and thank you for being in school. Take care of Xiao Yueer!"

Yan Yu was taken aback for a moment, and quickly came back to his senses, and bowed to Mu Haiye, "Thank you Mu Sanye for your praise!"

Mu Haiye smiled, turned to his driver's seat, and sat in.

Mu Yifeng looked around, looked at the rear seat door closed in front of him, and yelled from the side of the front passenger seat window, "Dad, why did you close the car door? I want to go in too." !"

"Smelly kid, drive by himself!" Mu Haiye's angry voice came.

After Mu Yifeng listened, there was a black line all over his head, and he turned his head and glanced at Mu Zhitong and others who were shocked and surprised.

When Mu Yue, who was sitting behind, heard Mu Haiye's words, she could only smile helplessly, opened the car door, and sat aside, "Brother Yifeng, come in!"

Mu Yifeng suddenly stared at Mu Yue, "Sister Yue is still the best to me!"

After that, I got into the car.

As soon as he got in the car, while starting the car, Mu Haiye rolled his eyes at Mu Yifeng in the back seat angrily, and said contemptuously, "Have you broken your hands? Let your sister open the door for you. What a great face!"

Mu Yifeng did directly ignore Mu Haiye's contempt, and leaned on Mu Yue and said with a grin, "Sister Yue is the best thing for her brother!"

"It's good to know that your sister is good to you, and you will be better to your sister in the future!" Mu Haiye again taught Mu Yifeng anger.

Mu Yifeng made an OK gesture to Mu Haiye, "Dad, don't worry, I know, I will definitely treat Sister Yue better in the future, and will not let any man approach Sister Yue or let any A man has serious thoughts about Sister Yue!"

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