Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1553: Ouyang Guohua's phone 2

Lao Yan and Lao Ning both drank the medicated wine in the small wine glasses with joy, and they drank vigorously, making creaking noises.

After Mu Yue's pulse check, the two elderly people are still in good health, and they are developing in a good way.

The two old men took two sips, only to feel that it was not addictive, and they really wanted to drink it again.

At the same time, at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, the door of the ward opened, and the doctor in a white coat walked in.

Only when I walked into this ward, I smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

"What's the smell? Wine? How do you drink in the hospital?" The doctor walked to the bedside, and saw Lao Yan and Lao Ning holding wine glasses. Seeing that they were drinking, they panicked.

The doctor hurriedly walked up to them and persuaded them, "Old Ning, Old Yan, your bodies can't drink alcohol!"

Old Yan smiled and waved to the doctor, "It's okay, it's okay, this is a special medicinal liquor, and we can drink it too!"

"Old Yan, this is also wine anyway, you can't drink it!" The doctor didn't think that wine is wine and neither can be drunk. Then he turned his head and said, "Who gave the wine?"

Mu Yue took a step forward and said to the doctor, "It is the wine I prepared for Yan Lao and Ning Lao! These medicinal wines will not cause any harm to their bodies, they will only strengthen their bodies!"

"You said that if there is no harm, there is no harm!" Hearing Mu Yue's words, the doctor suddenly pointed at Mu Yue angrily and screamed, "Are you a doctor or my doctor!"

"I am a Chinese medicine doctor, and these medicinal wines are brewed through warming Chinese medicine!" Mu Yue said lightly.

"Chinese medicine?" Hearing Mu Yue's words, the doctor suddenly laughed sarcastically, "Shit Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine is a quack, not scientific at all!"

When this word fell, the expressions of the people in the room became a little ugly and unsightly.

The two elders Yan and Ning also turned their heads in dissatisfaction, and looked at the doctor who said bad things about Chinese medicine. They looked at him with very bad eyes.

This guy actually said that Mu Yue was a quack doctor. If there was no Mu Yue, they would have died.

Mu Yue squinted her eyes, but still had a slight smile at the corner of her mouth. She looked at the doctor, "Is Chinese medicine a quack? It seems that you are a western doctor studying abroad!"

The doctor immediately raised his chest proudly and looked at Mu Yue mockingly, "Only Western medicine is the world's highest medical skill! Pseudo-scientific Chinese medicine, there is no scientific basis for acupuncture points, and there is no way to cure diseases and save people!"

Mu Yifeng snorted coldly and looked at the doctor mockingly, "I can't cure people by myself, but I'm still talking about others here! Can you say that you cured Yan Lao and Ning Lao and their diseases?"

After being questioned by Mu Yifeng like this, the doctor suddenly became dumb and didn't know what to say.

"Even if it wasn't for me to cure it, what about it? It's definitely not cured by a **** fake Chinese medicine!" the middle-aged doctor said arrogantly.

"Hehehe!" Mu Yifeng looked at the doctor mockingly, "Pseudo Chinese medicine? Hahaha, Yan Lao and Ning Lao were cured by the pseudo TCM you said, what kind of **** Western medicine in your hospital. Ok!"

This doctor is not the one who treated Yan Lao and Ning Lao.

After all, the status of people living in this hospital are not ordinary people, and the hospital also attaches great importance to it.

So I re-selected some doctors. These doctors all have superb medical skills, and this doctor also does not know everything. Only now dare to say these things to Mu Yue like this.

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