Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1555: Ouyang Guohua's phone number 4

What happened in the hospital was nothing more than a small thing to Mu Yue, and she continued to live her life.

Every day is not to go to school to study, is to deal with company affairs, every day is so fulfilling.

In a blink of an eye, September was already halfway through.

The phone in the villa rang, and the third aunt answered the phone quickly and said a few words, yelling upstairs, "Xiao Yueer, call!"

Mu Yue, who was cultivating in the room, was a little confused when she heard her phone call, but she quickly got up and went downstairs.

"Auntie San, whose phone number is it?" Mu Yue went downstairs and asked Auntie San curiously.

The third aunt smiled and said softly, "It's your grandpa's call!"

"Grandpa?" Mu Yue was taken aback, and said puzzledly, "Why doesn't Grandpa call my cell phone, but instead call the villa?"

"I don't know, come pick it up!" Aunt San shook her head, smiled and handed the phone to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue answered the call, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Hey, grandpa!"

"Xiao Yue'er!" Old Mu's happy words came from the other side of the phone, "Xiao Yue'er, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, you must come back!"

This was the first Mid-Autumn Festival that Mu Yue had gone home. Mr. Mu had to let Mu Yue go home, and then the family reunited, finally giving the family a taste of home.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Of course, even if my grandfather doesn't let me go back, I will go back. This is the first Mid-Autumn Festival I have ever gone home!"

"Good, good!" Mr. Mu laughed loudly when he heard it, "I must come back, Grandpa misses you!"

Originally, he also wanted to go to Linshi, but Mu Yue refused, so he could only stay in the capital and could not return to the capital until the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Okay, I miss Grandpa too. Grandpa, have you studied the Wu Qin Xi that I gave you?" Mu Yue asked Elder Mu with a smile.

In order to make Mu Lao's body healthier, Mu Yue taught the Wu Qin Xi recorded in the space to Mu Lao.

Since Mu Yue taught him and helped him keep fit, Mu Yue also studied it very seriously. He learned it all before Mu Yue returned to Lin City, and he also learned something similar.

Now Mr. Mu practices the Wu Qin Xi taught by Mu Yue every morning, and now he is more familiar and familiar with the practice, and his body is obviously different from before, and it is more relaxed than before.

"Yes! Of course there is! After practicing your Wu Qin Xi, I feel that my body is tougher than before! Hahaha..." Old Mu's tone was full of pride and pride.

It is the luck of his old man to have such a granddaughter with such superb medical skills!

"As long as you keep practicing Wu Qin Xi, it will not be a problem to live to a hundred years old!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Mr. Mu.

Old people, who wouldn't want them to have a life span of one hundred years, the more they live, the better!

Moreover, Mu Yue had just returned to Mu's house, and he was even more reluctant to see the pain of the death of his close relatives before returning to Mu's house.

So as long as she stays at Mu's house, she will not let Old Man Mu pass away due to illness, and how can she live to a hundred years and die.

"Okay! Okay!" Elder Mu was also very happy, chatting with Mu Yue on the phone.

Regarding the chat between the grandparents and grandchildren, the third aunt didn't say anything, and turned and left, so that they had room to chat.

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