"Not from the same father and mother!" Mu Yuqing rolled her eyes anger, and introduced Mu Yue, "Sister Yue, this is what I told you, my brother is also the owner of this wilderness club. Rong Ning!"

Mu Yue smiled and stretched out his hand to Rong Ning, "Hello!"

Rong Ning quickly shook hands with Mu Yue, but still grabbed Mu Yuqing's shoulders, dragged him to his side, and asked, "It's not your same father and mother, it can't be your other's. Uncle daughter, right? Your family is all a bunch of guys, I don’t remember there are girls in your family!"

Mu Yuqing snorted coldly in her heart. It was already in the past. Not only did they have a soft, cute and beautiful sister, but this sister was even better than their brothers!

This makes them feel ashamed to be brothers!

"You should have heard the name Chu Muyue. A month ago, what happened!" Mu Yuqing still didn't explain anything else, but instead threw a reminder to Rong Ning.

When Mu Yuqing said this, Rong Ning frowned, her face was puzzled, "Should I have heard of it?"

"Yeah! During the summer vacation, Mr. Meng!" Mu Yuqing reminded him again.

"Pop!" Rong Ning patted his thigh and pointed at Mu Yue, "Chu Muyue, the young female doctor who cut off the life and death of Meng Lao!"

Mu Yuqing straightened her chest, as if she was talking about him, and nodded, "Yes, it's sister Yue!"

"Huh?" Rong Ning still looked at Mu Yuqing a little puzzled, "but how could he become your sister?"

"Sister Yue is treating my uncle right now!" Mu Yuqing pointed to his head and said.

This matter is no longer a secret in the capital, so I told others the reason why Mu Yue was in their house, using this as a reason.

Everyone naturally thinks this thing is normal.

Who made Mu Yue's medical skills so good? Not only did she save the old Ning and Yan who stepped into the ghost gate, but also cut off the life and death of Meng. There is no doubt about her ability.

Therefore, it is conceivable for the Mu family to ask Chu Muyue to go to their home and treat Mu Haixuan for headaches.

This also led to the reason why Mu Yue appeared in Mu's house today without being doubted.

Rong Ning asked curiously again, "Then your uncle's head is cured?"

"It can be said that it is half cured. This time Mu Yue came to the capital to treat my uncle!" Mu Yuqing deliberately spoke a little louder so that everyone around him could hear it.

In places like the capital, there are ear cords everywhere. Don't look at just a small guard, they can all be a little careful to sell and spread the news they have learned.

Therefore, what Mu Yuqing said at this moment can be regarded as conveying a message.

Mu Yue came to the capital this time to give Mu Haixuan a headache, and there was success, which made the Mu family treat her more politely.

Now they took Mu Yue out to play, and even their sister recognized it directly.

"Oh!" Rong Ning was even more shocked when she heard this. "Her medical skills are really so good?"

"Of course it's amazing! Otherwise, how did she get Lao Yan back from the ghost gate? Even Lao Meng was judged by her that she would not survive for twenty-four hours!" Mu Yuqing proudly showed off Mu Yue's medical skills. Awesome.

It is unbearable to dare to doubt his sister's medical skills!

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