Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1568: Taming a Qianli Horse 2

A group of people who have been hit are unwilling to be in the shooting room anymore and move to other positions.

"Sister Yue, have you ever ridden a horse?" Mu Yifeng asked Mu Yue weakly.

He was very worried that Mu Yue would answer another question that she would.

Mu Yue shook his head, "No, I haven't even seen a real horse!"

"Oh! That's good, that's good!" A group of people from the Mu family breathed a sigh of relief, and finally heard that he couldn't.

Mu Yuqing asked Mu Yue caringly again, "That **** didn't teach you, right?"

Mu Yue shook his head, "No no, Brother Xiao didn't teach me this!"

"Hmph, he dares to teach you, I will just..." Mu Hongbo clenched his fist, trying to teach him a lesson, but thinking about the bastard's ability, his morale was low and he couldn't continue.

Mu Yue laughed, and quickly shifted everyone's attention, and said, "Where is the horse? I'm going to see the real horse!"

"Okay! Go, brother will take you there!" Mu Yuqing said eagerly.

Rong Ning sighed and looked at Mu Yue, only to think that this girl was getting more and more difficult.

Not only does he have good medical skills, but his shooting skills are so good. Even the coaches here are probably at the same level as him!

A group of people came to the stable. One horse after another, they were all locked in their stable. The handsome horses either bowed their heads to eat or stuck their heads to look over there.

"Come on, sister Yue, which one do you like, choose yourself!" Mu Yuqing pointed to the stable and said to Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue nodded, looking at the healthy horses inside, she was speechless. She had never ridden a horse before!

For girls, their favorite horse is definitely a white horse, just like the prince charming in their own minds, riding on it, coming in front of them, and taking themselves away.

Looking at a white horse in the stable, the white horse also seemed to see Mu Yue coming, stretched out his head, exhaled, and stretched out his tongue to lick towards Mu Yue's face.

Mu Yue stretched out his hand, let the white horse lick the palm of his hand, and touched his head with a smile, "It's good! That's you!"

Bai Ma seemed to be able to hear her, exhaling in a grunting breath, and rubbing against Mu Yue with his head.

Mu Yue smiled and touched the white horse, then turned to Mu Yuqing and said, "Just this one! Very beautiful!"

"This... forget about this horse!" Rong Ning stared at Mu Yue as soon as he came up.

"Forget it? Why?" Mu Yue turned to look at Rong Ning in confusion.

Mu Yuqing also looked at Rong Ning incomprehensibly, "Why can't you? My sister is interested, you have to do it!"

Rong Ning smashed his mouth, with a bitter melon face, and explained to Mu Yuqing and Mu Yue, "That's it, this horse is very strong! All the people who rode him didn't ride, and he gave it to Mu Yuqing and Mu Yue. He fell and caused me to lose a lot of money. I have been thinking about selling him recently!"

Mu Yuqing and the others were surprised when they heard it, and some couldn't believe it.

"We are brothers, so naturally I won't lie to you. Sister Mu Yue played for the first time. I'm not afraid of her getting hurt!" Rong Ning quickly looked at Mu Yue helplessly, and said with concern, "Don't Right?"

"No, I'm here!" Mu Yue shook his head, but said indifferently.

What she wants is an eye, this horse, she looks good, should not fail to give her face.

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