Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1587: Treasure being targeted 1

At this time, Mu Yue and Ouyang Guohua, who were in the box, naturally didn't know that Wang Qiang and the men he brought in this box were thinking of robbery because they couldn't photograph this bloodmarrow grass.

However, even if he knew it, Mu Yue would only smile slightly, and would not care. At most, he would retort, wondering if he could take it away from him.

After buying everything he bought, Ouyang Guohua was finally relieved and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Miss Chu, I have all of them!" Ouyang Guohua turned to look at Mu Yue, eyes full of expectation.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Well, I can treat Mengxi after I go back. However, I have to return the materials you prepared to do some processing first. I will give Mengxi again tomorrow morning. What do you think of the treatment?"

"Yes, you can!" Ouyang Guohua had nothing to say after hearing this.

Now I go back and exchange cars in exchange for it. I guess it will be midnight.

And he didn't know how long the treatment would take. Even if Mu Yue said he wasn't tired, he was worried that Mu Yue would be a little careless and accidentally make a mistake, and his daughter's life would be lost.

It’s okay to rest for a night before treatment.

He has been waiting for so many years anyway, not bad this day, not bad these few hours.

"Well, wait a minute, you will give me the fire sun ginseng and blood marrow grass, and I will take it back!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile.

Ouyang Guohua smiled and said to Mu Yue gratefully, "Okay, then please come to Miss Chu!"

Ouyang Mengxi grabbed Mu Yue's arm with both hands, and asked in a slightly excited tone, "What you said is true, I... can I really heal it?"

"Yeah! It can really be cured!" Mu Yue nodded.

"It's great, great!" Ouyang Mengxi, who was very shy, threw himself into Mu Yue's arms with excitement, hugged her, eyes full of tears.

Mu Yue patted Ouyang Mengxi on the shoulder and comforted her, "In the future, your illness will be cured, but you must give back to the society, do good deeds, and accumulate more virtues. This is also because of your good merits. Wait till I come to treat you!"

"Yes! I will definitely spend more money to help the poor in the future!" Ouyang Guohua listened and nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Ouyang wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and nodded, "Well, fortunately, we never gave up doing good deeds before. God is finally pitiful and sent Miss Chu to save our daughter!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Guohua nodded in agreement.

Mu Yue smiled, comforted Ouyang Mengxi for a while, and diverted her attention to let her continue to watch today's underground auction.

Mu Yue also took some of the other lots, but they were all jade items, but she also checked these jade items to see if there is aura, buy with aura, and forget it if there is no aura.

After this trip, she also gained a lot, but she also spent a lot of money.

"It's over, let's go back too, today's results are very good!" Mu Yue smiled and said to everyone.

Mu Haiye looked at Mu Yue and reminded him, "It's time to go back. If I don't go back again, I probably have to nag!"

It's okay if he doesn't go back, but if Mu Yue goes back so late, it is estimated that the old man will have to talk about him. He doesn't want to be in such a senior year. It is really shameful to be taught by the old man.

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