Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1591: Halfway Interception 1

Mu Yue turned sideways, and easily avoided Wang Qiang's hand, with a clear and playful smile on the corner of her mouth.

Wang Qiang was stunned, and immediately recovered, looking at Mu Yue, his eyes narrowed, "Have you ever practiced?"

Mu Yue laughed but said nothing.

Seeing Wang Qiang with this expression, he immediately understood that this little **** thought he had arrogant capital.

"Hmph, I just learned a little bit of fur, and I want to make an axe in front of me!" Wang Qiang's tone was full of sarcasm, and the expressions on his face were all disdain, "Today, when you met me, it was you. Misfortune!"

After that, Wang Qiang started even more quickly, but this time it was different. The speed and weight of the attack were also increased a lot.

Mu Yue didn't plan to waste time here with this guy, she still had to go back to make medicine!

Therefore, she also faced Wang Qiang's attack head-on, and grabbed Wang Qiang's wrist with both hands. Before he recovered, his wrist was screwed to the other side by Mu Yue.

There was only a scream of Wang Qiang's screams.

"Bump!" Mu Yue lifted his foot and kicked Wang Qiang's stomach fiercely, kicking him out.

Her only capital now is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Wang Qiang doesn't know how high her cultivation level is, thinking she is a rookie.

With such a thought in mind, it is okay for Mu Yue to directly cause serious damage to him.

One hand has been scrapped by Mu Yue. Even if Wang Qiang's cultivation base is the same as Mu Yue's peak of dark power, he can't beat her. What's more, he is only in the late stage of dark power?

Now, it is absolutely impossible for Wang Qiang, whose hand has been abolished, to hurt Mu Yue again.

Wang Qiang held his arms, stared at Mu Yue, looked at Mu Yue in disbelief, with painful expressions on his face.

"you you you……"

He didn't expect, and he didn't want to believe that he would be given an arm by a little girl like Chu Muyue.

This is simply hitting him in the face!

He was a dignified master of the late Dark Jin, but he was dismantled by a little girl liar. Who would believe it!

"Good call!" After Mu Haiye sitting in the car called Mu Haixuan, she stretched her neck and looked outside.

Seeing Mu Yue scrapped one of the bastard's hands, he was very excited and excited. It seemed that his worries were unnecessary.

"This fire sun ginseng and blood marrow grass are not something you can think of, leave obediently!" Mu Yue's eyes flashed with a cold light, threatening Wang Qiang who was lying on the ground.

There was a fierce light in Wang Qiang's eyes, staring at Mu Yue, "You...who are you!"

"You don't need to know who I am! As long as you know, my things are not something you can think of!" Mu Yue said coldly and threateningly, looking down at Wang Qiang who fell on the ground.

Facing Mu Yue's threatening eyes, not only was there no fear, but a wave of nameless anger surged in his heart.

Although Mu Yue's eyes were cold, but in the eyes of a warrior like him, it was still a bit weak, approaching her and hadn't really killed anyone.

Only like Xiao Junyan's eyes that really killed people can they be deterred.

Wang Qiang, who is also a warrior, can come to grab Mu Yue's things today. He must have done this kind of thing before, and even killed a lot of people.

Therefore, in comparison between the two, Wang Qiang was not deterred by Mu Yue, but was angered by Mu Yue.

"Bitch! Looking for death!" Wang Qiang slapped the ground with anger, did not know where he drew a dagger, and attacked Mu Yue.

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