Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1594: Halfway Interception 4

After all, Mrs. Ouyang was a woman. When she saw Wang Qiang dying in front of her, she screamed, then rolled her eyes and fainted.

In the car, besides Mrs. Ouyang, another woman was Ouyang Mengxi. Seeing this situation, they were all shocked and fainted.

Ouyang Guohua, who was in the car, saw that his wife and daughter were shocked by the scene in front of him and fainted, and he was extremely anxious.

"Miss Chu, come and see Mengxi and the others!" Ouyang Guohua quickly yelled to Mu Yue outside.

Mu Yue glanced at the situation in the car and walked over, "It's okay, just fainted!"

Here, Mu Yue went to help Madam Ouyang and Ouyang Mengxi check their physical conditions, while on the other side.

The middle-aged man Wang Qiang brought was also shocked by the scene in front of him, and was shocked to see Wang Qiang dying in front of him.

After being screamed by Mrs. Ouyang, the middle-aged man was also an agitated spirit and recovered from the shock.

What he didn't know was that there was still a strong smell of urine in the car, that was, he had been scared to pee by the scene in front of him.

The middle-aged man also screamed, hurriedly stepped on the accelerator, drove his car, and drove out with a "swish".

When Mu Yue heard the sound of the car, she raised her head to look at the car the middle-aged man was driving, and frowned slightly.

Alas, let him escape.

Mu Haiye also saw the car driving away, comforting Mu Yue, "Don't worry, I have written down his license plate, and I will investigate after I go back!"

"Good!" Hearing Mu Haiye's words, Mu Yue nodded.

Compared with the three of Ouyang Guohua's family, Mu Haiye has seen too much of this great world, so there is no fear.

The only thing that shocked Mu Haiye was Mu Yue's skill. I didn't expect her to be so agile.

Mu Yue took out the silver needle and pierced it among Mrs. Ouyang and Ouyang Mengxi's people. Only then did the two slowly wake up.

"It's dead, it's dead!" Madam Ouyang woke up, shouting anxiously.

Mu Yue comforted Mrs. Ouyang with a soft voice, as if there was a kind of bewilderment in her words, "It's okay, don't worry, it's okay, please close your eyes and rest at ease. After waking up, you have forgotten everything!"

Madam Ouyang looked at Mu Yue with blank eyes, slowly closed her eyelids, and fell asleep on the seat.

In the same way, Mu Yue used the same method to make Ouyang Mengxi sleep peacefully.

"This..." Ouyang Guohua looked at Mu Yue worriedly.

Mu Yue comforted Ouyang Guohua, "Don't worry, I'm hypnotizing them, let them go back to sleep well, and when they wake up tomorrow, they will forget what happened today!"

"Oh! Okay!" Ouyang Guohua was a little shocked and unbelievable when he heard Mu Yue's words.

Ouyang Guohua didn't understand this. If Mu Yue's master was here, she would immediately see that she was using a kind of blessing.

In Western medicine, there are psychologists, and they usually do some hypnotisms, and these hypnotisms are called Zhu Youshu in Chinese medicine.

Zhu Youshu was a kind of witch doctor in ancient times, but it is also a kind of medical technique, and it can cure diseases and save people just like the hypnotism of western medicine.

It’s just that, in ancient times and even now, it’s considered deceptive.

Mu Yue's Zhu Youshu was also from the fusion of the books in his own space and the teachings of his master, so that Zhu Youshu could be used to the extreme, so that the frightened Madam Ouyang and the others could fall asleep so quickly.

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