Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1600: Treatment Ouyang Mengxi 2

Mu Yue took Ouyang Mengxi into the room and let her lie on the bed, while she was tidying up tools.

Although Mu Yifeng wanted to see Mu Yue curing his illness, he was forced to stay outside. Like Ouyang Guohua and the others, they couldn't come in.

In the whole room, there were no other people besides Mu Yue, and Ouyang Mengxi needed to take off his clothes, and it was even more unsuitable for boys to come in.

Ouyang Mengxi lay on the bed, turned to look at Mu Yue, who lowered his head to prepare tools, thought for a while, and asked, "Mu Yue, I... can the disease on my body really be cured?"

"Don't worry, you will!" Mu Yue smiled and gave Ouyang Mengxi a smile.

Ouyang Mengxi nodded, also showing her face, showing a bright smile.

Mu Yue held the silver needle and walked to Ouyang Mengxi's side, comforting her, "Relax, relax all over your body, don't have any burdens, I am here!"

While comforting Ouyang Mengxi, while dropping her silver needle, she fell into a deep sleep.

After putting Ouyang Mengxi to sleep, Mu Yue also started her own treatment work.

Mu Yue began to treat Ouyang Mengxi, while Mrs. Ouyang outside was very restless and walked around the room.

"Don't walk around, my head is dizzy! You should sit down and rest first, Mengxi and the others have not been in for a few minutes, not so fast, so easy to cure!" Ouyang Guohua is right Persuaded Mrs. Ouyang, who was restless.

Mrs. Ouyang walked up to Ouyang Guohua and sat down, and said worriedly, "I'm just worried about Mengxi and whether her disease can be cured!"

"It is our blessing that can be cured, it is Mengxi's blessing, and it is also Doctor Chu's superb medical skills. If it can't be cured, we are not good at complaining!" Ouyang Guohua patted Mrs. Ouyang's shoulder comfortably.

Mu Yifeng looked at the appearance of Ouyang Guohua’s father and said with a smile and comforted, “Don’t worry, sister Yue’s medical skills are absolutely superb. Your daughter Ouyang Mengxi has been preparing for a long time!"

"Yes, you can still trust Xiao Yue'er's medical skills, you just have to wait for her to cure your daughter, and that's it!" Mu Haiye also nodded and said proudly.

Mu Yue's medical skills are what everyone in this capital hears.

Ouyang Guohua nodded, "I believe it too!"

After thinking for a while, he looked at Mrs. Ouyang next to him, then hesitantly asked Mu Haiye, and asked, "Mr. Mu, can you mind not speaking?"

Mu Haiye glanced at Ouyang Guohua incomprehensibly, but nodded, "Okay!"

"What are you going to do?" Mrs. Ouyang looked up and asked, looking at Ouyang Guohua.

Ouyang Guohua patted Mrs. Ouyang on the shoulder, "It's okay, say something!"

With that, Ouyang Guohua and Mu Haiye stepped aside and asked concerned, "Well, Mr. Mu, is there any trouble with what happened last night?"

When Mu Haiye heard the question asked by Ouyang Guohua, he waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with you, and someone will take care of it. Don't worry, you just need to forget this matter. Be clean, just treat it as nothing happened!"

"Good, good, that's good!" Ouyang Guohua nodded, and asked worriedly, "So...what about the one who ran away yesterday?"

"I've investigated this clearly, but you don't need to worry about how to do the specific things later!" Mu Haiye said lightly.

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