Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1602: Treatment Ouyang Mengxi 4

Mrs. Ouyang watched the time for nearly three hours before the door of the room squeaked and opened.

With a "hit", Mrs. Ouyang stood up from the sofa, and Ouyang Guohua was no slower than her.

Although I had been comforting Mrs. Ouyang not to worry, Ouyang Guohua, as his father, was also very worried and worried about Ouyang Mengxi's situation.

However, he knew that he was a man and the pillar of the family, so he could only hold on without showing it, so as not to make Mrs. Ouyang more worried and anxious.

Mrs. Ouyang walked quickly to Mu Yue and asked with concern, "Chu... Doctor Chu, I... how is my daughter's condition?"

"It went smoothly!" Mu Yue smiled and comforted Mrs. Ouyang, "Don't worry!"

When Mu Yue said that Ouyang Mengxi was okay, both Ouyang Guohua and Madam Ouyang exclaimed with joy, "Really all right? That's great!"

"Mengxi's body has just been cured, and her body is slightly injured. The body will be very weak for the first half month. After returning, let her rest!" Mu Yue looked at the reminder of Ouyang Guohua and his wife, "I will prescribe a prescription. , You let Mengxi take it for three months, after three months her body will be able to recover like a normal person!"

"Good, good!" Ouyang Guohua and his wife listened and nodded quickly.

Madam Ouyang quickly asked Mu Yue, "Then... can we go to see Mengxi?"

"Yes, when you go in, help her change a dress and change the bed. The bedding was destroyed by the waiter and can't be used anymore!" Mu Yue nodded and said remindingly.

"Okay!" When Ouyang Guohua and his wife heard that they could go to see Ouyang Mengxi, they quickly entered the room.

Mu Yifeng rushed to Mu Yue excitedly, and asked excitedly, "Is it really cured?"

"Of course it is cured!" Mu Yue nodded.

Mu Yifeng expected to follow in the footsteps of Ouyang Guohua and the others, saying, "Then I will go and see!"

Seeing this posture, Mu Yue quickly grabbed Mu Yifeng's arm and glared at him, "What are you going to do with you! You have to change all the clothes on Mengxi, you are a big man, what's the point!"

Mu Yifeng was taken aback for a moment, and then an awkward smile appeared on his face, and he touched his nose nonchalantly, "I...I won't go in!"

Mu Haiye came up and reached out to grab Mu Yifeng's back collar, and pulled him aside, "It's okay to look for trouble, you can go in and see! What's so interesting!"

Mu Yifeng could only shrink his neck and looked at Mu Haiye aggrievedly.

Mu Haiye didn't bother to care about Mu Yifeng, and said with a smile, "Xiao Yue, you have been treated for three hours, are you tired? Come on, sit down and rest and drink a glass of water!"

Compared to Mu Yifeng, Mu Haiye still cared more about Mu Yue's body.

It must have consumed a lot of energy to let Mu Yue go to rest.

Mu Yue smashed his mouth, nodded, "Well, I am really thirsty!"

"Have you heard? Xiao Yue'er is thirsty, so don't pour water!" Mu Haiye heard that Mu Yue was thirsty, and turned his head to order Mu Yifeng.

Mu Yifeng scratched his head and pointed to the coffee table, "Isn't it on the coffee table by the sofa? Do you want me to pour it?"

"Smelly boy, are you looking for a fight?" Mu Haiye clenched his fist directly and shook it threateningly at Mu Yifeng.

"Don't don't!" Mu Yifeng quickly avoided, obediently following Mu Haiye's words to do it.

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