Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1610: Beimingjie to Linshi 4

It was another week's weekend, Mu Haiye came to pick up Mu Yue and Mu Yifeng to go home together.

Every week, Mu Yue runs around in several companies.

Moreover, because the Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company factory in the military area has already produced a batch of medicines, Mu Yue needs to check it out first.

No, after dealing with the dream cosmetics company on Saturday, Mu Yue planned to go to see the situation in the military area all day long on Sunday, and by the way, he would go to see Mr. Zhao bringing some wine to his old man.

I haven't been there for a long time. If I don't bring medicated liquor to Zhao Lao this time, he would have to hold a gun at her.

"That old Zhao is really greedy!" Mu Haiye said, looking at the box of medicinal wine in the back seat, somewhat dumbfounded.

"No way!" Mu Yue sighed, "Who made him an old man?"

Mu Haiye smiled and nodded, "That's what I said! Then let's go to the factory!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, and asked Mu Haiye to take him to the factory in the military area.

However, not long after the villa was fired, a black car followed them behind.

Although Mu Haiye was not a soldier, he was also the brother of two army commanders anyway, and he often walked around the mall. It was still known whether anyone was being followed behind.

"Someone is following us behind!" Mu Haiye glanced at the rearview mirror and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded, frowned and said, "Well, I have also noticed that since we left the villa, he has been following us!"

Compared to Mu Haiye, Mu Yue is more sensitive, and has been following them since she left the door of the villa.

"Could it be a paparazzi, do you want to take pictures of our relationship?" Mu Haiye frowned and asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue shook his head and said, "No, I feel that there is a vague murderous aura behind!"

"Murderish?" Mu Haiye was taken aback, with surprise on his face, "Are the people behind want to kill us?"

Mu Yue thought for a while, nodded solemnly, reminding Mu Haiye, "It's very possible, don't forget, we also speculated that there is another person behind Wang Qiang!"

"Could it be that the one who ran away, the one who brought it?" Mu Haiye also understood and became a little anxious.

Mu Yue nodded, "It's very possible!"

"Then what shall we do now?" Mu Haiye asked Mu Yue and looked around. They had already driven to the outskirts. They had to stop, and it was estimated that no one could come to help!

"Just drive it like this, don't let them find out that we have already found them. When we drive to the military area, it should be safer!" Mu Yue thought for a while and said, "We will find someone again at that time!"

"Okay!" Mu Haiye nodded after listening.

After all, they are going to the military region today, not yesterday's dream cosmetics company. Maybe there is not so much combat power there, but the military region has a lot of combat power, and there are weapons too!

Just because that person wants to deal with them, he has to weigh it!

Mu Haiye also pretended not to know that he was being followed by the car behind, and drove in the direction of the military area.

In the car behind, Bei Mingjie's eyes were shining with coldness, and he ordered Feng Tong who was driving, "Go forward and stop them!"

"Stop them? Don't you wait for them to stop?" Feng Tong asked Bei Mingjie in surprise.

Bei Mingjie said coldly, "There is no one here, just let's do it!"

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