Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1625: Shock in the hospital 3

In fact, when Mu Haixuan knew that Mu Yue was being chased by Bei Mingjie, he immediately bought a plane ticket.

Only he knew about this, but the Mu family didn't.

The number Ning Lao dialed was from Elder Mu, and the maid answered the phone and handed him to Elder Mu.

"Lao Ning, aren't you in Linshi? Why would you call me?" Mu Lao asked with a smile after answering the phone.

Old Ning frowned, and said in a very serious tone, "Mu, I want to tell you one thing now, don't get excited!"

Hearing what Elder Ning said, the smile on Elder Mu's face disappeared, and he also turned serious. He quickly asked, "What happened?"

"There was an accident between Mu Yue and your third son. Hai Ye had just been pushed out of the operating room, but Mu Yue was still in the emergency room!" Veteran Ning told Elder Mu about the matter.

When Mr. Mu heard Ning's words, he stood up from the sofa with a awkward look, his old face was shocked, "What are you talking about?"

"Mu Yue and Haiye are both in an accident, they are in the hospital now!" Ning Lao sighed and said.

When Mr. Mu heard Ning's words again, his chest felt a little dull, he clutched his chest, and fell heavily on the sofa.

"Elder Mu, Elder Mu!" Seeing Mr. Mu's behavior, the maid hurriedly stepped forward to help Mr. Mu and help him caress his chest.

Elder Mu was gasping for breath, if it wasn't for Mu Yue who had been helping Elder Mu recuperate for a while, and he had been studying Wu Qin Xi, so when he heard the news, nothing happened.

"Mu, don't get excited. Although Mu Yue hasn't left the operating room yet, it doesn't mean that her condition is serious. Don't be too anxious!" On the other side of the phone, Ning Lao heard Mr. Mu from the capital city. The situation, quickly comforted.

Boss Mu gasped and eased his breath before saying, "I know, I...I will go to Linshi immediately!"

After speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

Thinking that his precious granddaughter is in the hospital now, he feels heartache!

He hasn't loved his precious granddaughter well yet, and this is what happened.

"Quick...Call the boss and them, let them come back, all come back!" Father Mu was a little trembling when he spoke, "Also... let the old five come back and tell her something happened to Xiao Yue'er!"

"Okay!" The maid hurriedly called after hearing Father Mu's order.

Having arrived at the airport, Mu Haixuan, who was about to board the plane, heard the phone rang suddenly, and quickly connected the phone.

"What are you talking about!" When Mu Haixuan heard the maid Jiang Mu's words, his face suddenly showed shock.

He didn't expect it to happen to this point.

"I see. I am going to board the plane to Linshi. Call your eldest brother and them. Don't let the old man go to Linshi for the time being. I will go to Linshi to see the situation!"

"Okay!" Hearing Mu Haixuan's words, the maid nodded quickly.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Haixuan called Lin Shi's men again.

The middle-aged man who was accompanying Xiao Junyan in the emergency room of the hospital did not dare to leave the hospital. After all, the captain was here, and the people involved in this matter were still rescued in the emergency room!

Suddenly, the phone rang and quickly took it out. Seeing that it was Mu Haixuan's call, a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

He seemed to just remembered that this time Mu Haixuan specifically called from the capital.

Moreover, the Mu Haiye and Mu Haixuan were somewhat similar just now.

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