After receiving the news, Lao Zhao and Qiu Moge came to the hospital and went straight to the special ward.

When I came to the special ward, I saw the open door of the meeting room.

"Which ward is Chu Muyue in?" Zhao Lao asked the person with his back to him as he walked.

Hearing Zhao Lao’s question, Mu Haixuan turned his head and saw a military star wearing a military uniform with a blind eye on his shoulder, "Lao Zhao?"

As soon as Mr. Zhao saw Mu Haixuan, he raised his eyebrows, "Oh, the fifth son of the Mu family, why are you here?"

But soon Lao Zhao just slapped his head, "I forgot, you and Mu Yue are... which ward is Mu Yue in, how is the situation now?"

Mu Yue didn't conceal Lao Zhao, and told him about the relationship between him and the Mu family.

After all, Mu Haiye has always sent Mu Yue to the military area. Why should this relationship be bad? Explain to his elders and find other excuses. I am afraid it will hurt the elders' hearts, so I can only tell him the truth.

Of course, regarding this matter, Mr. Zhao also said that he would keep it secret for the time being and would not tell anyone.

Therefore, seeing Mu Haixuan here, Mr. Zhao immediately remembered their direct relationship, but he didn't say anything.

"These useless doctors haven't figured out a way yet!" Mu Haixuan said angrily.

The doctors named by Mu Haixuan lowered their heads and dared not refute them. They really couldn't think of a way.

However, their psychology is also a wave of complaints and grievances. This is not that they are unwilling. It is that Chu Muyue's situation is too complicated, they dare not!

If it is an ordinary person, just ask them to sign the contract, even if they die on the operating table and they have nothing to do with the doctors, they will do it directly.

But no matter what, the identity of the other party, tsk tsk, look at the people who came, and this old man in military uniform, the shining star, they are all dazzled, and I shouldn't give Mu Yue treatment in my heart. Up.

When Mr. Zhao heard Mu Haixuan’s words, his old face was also worried, "No way? How could there be no way? What happened? This girl is so good, who is doing it, old man Go and kill him!"

The thought that Mu Yue had prepared a box of medicinal wine for him before he came, this made him, an old man, very moved.

However, now someone beats Mu Yue to lie on the bed, so that the doctors don't know how to save him, can his old man not want to kill?

"That bastard, I will let him know the consequences of hurting Xiao Yueer!" Mu Haixuan gritted his teeth, his whole body filled with a strong murderous aura.

If possible, he also wanted to kill that **** Bei Mingjie, but he wanted Mu Yue to see how her father avenged her, so he could only temporarily let him go and let him live a few more days.

If Mu Yue really had anything to do, he would definitely torture the **** first, and then send him to **** to accompany his daughter, and let the daughter go down to teach the bastard.

At this time, Mu Yue still doesn't know what Mu Haixuan's plan is at this time. If he knows, it is probably dumbfounding!

"Where is Mu Yue? I'll go see her!" Old Zhao asked Mu Haixuan with concern.

Mu Haixuan took a deep breath, calmed the anger in his heart, and said to Lao Zhao, "I'll take you there!"

Old Zhao nodded repeatedly, "Good good!"

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