Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1642: The situation is very bad 4

With the relationship between Yan Shijie and Mu's family, naturally, I knew it very clearly. The news that Mu Haiye was in the military area hospital hurriedly rushed to the military area hospital.

When Yan Shijie came to the hospital, he saw a place in the special ward, where a group of people gathered.

"Senior official Yan, why are you here!" Seeing Yan Shijie's arrival, the dean hurriedly greeted him.

Yan Shijie came over and asked the dean, "How is the situation now? How is Sanye Mu's situation?"

Regarding the investigation, Yan Shijie only investigated Mu Haiye's stay in a military hospital, and he did not know about Mu Yue.

Upon hearing the question, the dean quickly explained, "Mr. Mu's situation is not life-threatening. He can recover as long as he cultivates for a period of time, but Dr. Chu's situation is very bad!"

"Doctor Chu? Chu Muyue?" Yan Shijie was taken aback, seeing An Qing and the others in this corridor, he immediately thought of something, and hurriedly asked the dean.

The dean nodded and said solemnly, "Doctor Chu is so injured, and we still can't get along with each other for diagnosis and treatment!"

Now, these doctors are about to break their heads, but they still have no way to cure Mu Yue.

They also thought about some plans, but the success rate was too low, and these plans were directly rejected by Mu Haixuan.

As long as there is no 100% success rate, they have to think again, if the operation is not successful, they have to be responsible for this matter.

Hearing Mu Haixuan's orders and threats, these doctors dared not speak anymore, let alone speak out the plan in their hearts, so now there is no way at all.

Yan Shijie frowned, but he knew the relationship between Mu Yue's identity and the Mu family.

Now that Mu Yue is in such a situation, it is no wonder that Mu Haixuan will come.

"I know!" Yan Shijie nodded, and said to the dean, "You should go find a way first, I'll go see Sanye Mu first!"

"Good!" The dean nodded.

Yan Shijie walked to the outside of the ward where the crowd gathered, and through the glass, he saw Mu Yue lying on the ice bed inside, and the back of Xiao Junyan sitting by the bed.

When he asked Yan Yu just now, Yan Yu said that Mu Yue was fine when school was over on Friday, but after a long time, she was lying in bed.

Yan Shijie walked up to Mu Haixuan and said, "Mu Wuye, don't worry, I believe that Dr. Chu must be a lucky person!"

Mu Haixuan looked up at Yan Shijie, nodded and asked, "How did you know?"

Yan Shijie glanced at the people in the corridor and said, "Can you speak alone?"

Mu Haixuan did not hesitate, nodded and got up and walked to the side of the corridor with Yan Shijie, "Let's say anything!"

"I received a call from Jingcheng. It was the people in Jingcheng who noticed that the uncle and the fourth master are coming to Linshi, so they caught the attention of the people in Beijing. I think other people will also inquire!" Yan Shijie quickly explained.

Being able to become the second-in-command in Jiangnan Province naturally sees something very clearly, so he immediately told Mu Haixuan what he had guessed.

When Mu Haixuan heard it, he nodded and said solemnly, "I see, I will arrange it here! Thank you for reminding me this time!"

"This is what I should do, Dr. Chu will not be able to hide things for long!" Yan Shijie said seriously.

"I see. Tell the people in Beijing that my third brother and his entourage were attacked by gangsters in Linshi, Jiangnan Province, and were seriously injured in a military hospital!"

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