Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1651: The arrival of Beijing experts 5

Both the doctors from Jiangnan Province and the doctors from Beijing have come, checked, and given a treatment plan, but there is no way.

The doctors in the capital did not have a better way than them. In the end, only a group of doctors would disband first, leaving only a part of the doctors.

And the doctors who were originally invited, saw that even the superb medical doctors invited by the capital were unable to cure them, and they felt a little relieved.

It's not that they can't cure Mu Yue, but that even someone with higher medical skills can't be cured, and they can leave the hospital with peace of mind.

There were not many people left, but Zou Sihan and Tian Youqing stayed behind.

Not only wanted to ask Bai Lao about Mu Yue and Dongfang Sheng, but also wanted to wait for the old genius doctor Bai Lao said to really come back, turn the tide, and heal Mu Yue's injuries.

Mu Haixuan hit the table with a punch, and directly pierced a hole in the tabletop, "Useless waste! Xiao Yue'er can't be a vegetable!"

He would never let his daughter become a vegetable, absolutely not.

Xiao Junyan turned his head to look at Mu Haixuan and asked him, his voice was slightly hoarse, "Master, have you found it?"

"Not yet!" Mu Haixuan felt even more angry when asked by Xiao Junyan, "I'll ask, you are looking at Xiao Yueer here!"

Xiao Junyan didn't even watch Mu Haixuan leave the ward. He sat on the edge of the bed, bent over, with his arms propped on his body, his face close to Mu Yue's small face, and his big hands gently stroked her pale face and forehead.

"Yue, you must persevere, wait for the master to save you, you will be fine, you will definitely not!" Xiao Junyan's eyes were full of pain and expectation, a sting flashed across his brain, and he raised his hand to cover it. Lost his head.

This familiar pain, he has not forgotten, and will not forget, it is his headache.

"Haha..." Xiao Junyan let out a sneer, "Also...If Yue is not there, I have no meaning to live! It's better to go with her!"

Xiao Junyan sat back in his seat again, still holding Mu Yue's slender hand with one hand, and pressing his head with the other, suffering from his headache.

Seeing Mu Yue lying on the bed unidentified, he felt that his pain was not painful at all!

If his pain is more painful and can make Mu Yue wake up, he is willing to bear it, willing to bear all the pain instead of Mu Yue.

The waiting time is long, anxious and irritating.

Everyone is waiting, but what everyone is waiting for is different.

Ye Tianming almost broke his leg. Why hasn't there been any news from Dongfangsheng? He and the boss have vowed to find him today!

He didn't find it today, and he didn't know if he would be taken alive by the boss.

At this moment, Ye Tianming's cell phone rang, "Hey, Boss, I have tried very hard to find it. Really, I will definitely send Master Dongfang to you as soon as possible!"

"Immediately! Right away!" Xiao Junyan almost always ordered Ye Tianming with a cold and murderous tone, so that he could find Dongfang Sheng immediately.

"Yes, yes! I'm right now, boss, don't worry, I don't think Master Dongfang will accept a short-lived apprentice, the younger sister will definitely live a hundred years!" Ye Tianming quickly comforted Xiao Junyan.

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