Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1653: That's also a dead body, two lives 2

Wu Hongjun stood up and said, "Uncle Mu, we just want to see Mu Yue's situation, let us see her, after seeing her, we will go back!"

"Yes, we just want to see Mu Yue's situation!" Mu Zhitong's eyes flushed, and she said to Mu Haiwei very worried.

Mu Haiwei thought for a while and nodded, "Well, you can take a look outside. If you are optimistic, leave the hospital as soon as possible. However, you can't let others know about Mu Yue's physical condition, just let others think she went to another province. The city handles the company's affairs!"

"We know!" Qiao Mobai and others nodded in agreement.

Mu Yifeng took Wu Hongjun and others to the outside of the ward where Mu Yue was, and asked them to see through the glass.

Mu Zhitong saw Mu Yue lying on the bed inside, and almost jumped onto the glass, "Mu Yue, how could this happen, how could it become like this!"

An Ziyun's eyes were also flushed, and she looked at Mu Yue on the bed worriedly, "Mu Yue!"

"Why is he here!" Yuan Xiao saw the back figure beside the bed and recognized it at a glance. It was Xiao Junyan's back figure.

I heard that Xiao Junyan had gone out to do a task before, but he didn't expect that he had already returned so early, and he was still by Mu Yue's side.

Yuan Xiao turned to look at Mu Yifeng and asked, "When did he come?"

Mu Yifeng snorted and snorted, "He just saved Sister Yue when he came back, and has been here since he sent Sister Yue to the hospital!"

Yuan Xiao snorted coldly, "He didn't protect Mu Yue, come one step later!"

"Yes!" Mu Yifeng also nodded in agreement, coming back early if he wants to come back, why is it a coincidence! You will die sooner!

One step earlier, Mu Yue would not be lying on the bed like he is now!

Xiang Tianhe turned his head and asked Mu Yifeng concerned, "By the way, where is my grandfather? He is here, has he found a way to save Mu Yue?"

Mu Yifeng shook his head and said, "No, he and several masters of traditional Chinese medicine from Beijing are discussing in the conference room, and now there is no way!"

"I'll go and see!" Xiang Tianhe heard that his grandfather was there, and quickly turned around to find his grandfather.

"I'll go too!" Wu Hongjun listened, and hurriedly followed.

Mu Zhitong looked at Xiang Tianhe, and quickly went to ask about Xiang Lao and Xiang Lao's situation.

Xiang Lao was surprised to see that his grandson had also come to the hospital, "Why did your kid come here? Aren't you studying at school?"

Xiang Tianhe quickly walked up to Xiang Lao and asked anxiously, "Grandpa, you have seen Mu Yue's body, how is her condition?"

Xiang Lao looked at Xiang Tianhe, and shook his head helplessly, "No, I can't cure her injuries either. I heard that she has learned internal strength, and I think only the old man in the East can cure her. What Mu Yue's body is!"

"So..." Xiang Tianhe was also a little worried when he heard Xiang Lao's words.

Xiang Lao patted Xiang Tianhe on the shoulder, and said comfortingly, “Don’t worry, I believe that Mu Yue’s master will be able to heal Mu Yue when he is here! You will also go back to school with peace of mind and study hard. Don't worry about Mu Yue, I will tell you something good about Mu Yue!"

"Oh!" Xiang Tianhe listened and nodded, although he was a little unloved, he agreed.

Lao Xiang saw that Yuan Xiao and the others had all come one after another, and said to them, "Well, you kids should all go to school, too. We'll leave the affairs here!"

"Then Lao Xianglao, Mu Yue's body must be cured!"

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