Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1658: The master goes out to reach 10,000 people 2

Dongfang Sheng entered the ward first, and everyone was waiting outside now.

Xiao Junyan saw Dongfang Sheng come in, and quickly stood up, "Save Yue!"

"I see, let me go first!" Dongfang Sheng nodded and walked to the bed to check Mu Yue's pulse.

Although I heard a lot about Mu Yue's physical condition on the road, I still need to check Mu Yue's pulse personally.

Dongfang Sheng retracted his hand and sighed softly, "This girl is really messed up!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Dongfang Sheng expectantly, hoping to hear a word of ability from his mouth.

However, he was anxious, but he couldn't say a word at this time, he just looked at Dongfang Sheng so expectantly.

Mu Haixuan asked Dongfang Sheng anxiously, "Senior Dongfang, how is Xiaoyue's situation?"

"With me, nothing will happen!" Dongfang Sheng smiled and comforted Mu Haixuan and the others.

After receiving Dongfang Sheng's answer, Xiao Junyan breathed a sigh of relief, and his body shook slightly.

From Mu Yue's injury to the present, he has almost never entered. He has always supported by his own will. Moreover, he has been under the pressure that Mu Yue may leave. Now he heard that Mu Yue is also physically. It seems that most of his power has been emptied.

"Boss!" Ye Tianming has quick eyes and hands, and hastened to hold on to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan waved his hand, still standing by the bed, "I'm fine!"

Zou Sihan asked Dongfang Sheng in surprise, "Can you really save it?"

He had never expected that the master Bai said, Dongfang Sheng could really save Mu Yue who was so seriously injured.

There was no way for them, but Dongfang Sheng was able to save it.

Dongfang Sheng nodded, "Naturally it can!"

"How confident are you?" Tian Youqing also asked Dongfang Sheng quickly.

Hearing this question, Mu Haixuan and the others also looked at Dongfang Sheng, and they also wanted to know the probability.

Although they all believed in Master Mu Yue's ability, they also hoped to get an affirmative answer.

"It should be said that it is 100%, but it will take a while to recover!" Dongfang Sheng said in a very flat tone.

Mu Haixuan asked with concern, "Will it have any effect on Xiao Yue'er's body in the future?"

"Don't worry, it won't!" Dongfang Sheng smiled and shook his head, comforting Mu Haixuan.

Since Dongfang Sheng has said so, they will not have any doubts and directly ask Dongfang Sheng to heal Mu Yue, "Then thank Senior Dongfang, if you have trouble, you will help immediately!"

Dongfang Sheng turned his head to Xiao Junyan and they commanded, "You are here to protect me and let everyone not come in!"

"Okay!" Mu Haixuan hurriedly drove out the doctors who had entered the ward, and even closed the glass zipper to prevent the outsiders from seeing it.

Ye Tianming also felt that he had walked out of the room and stood at the door, not letting anyone approach him.

In the entire ICU ward, the only people standing were Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan, as well as Dongfang Sheng who was treating Mu Yue, and even Mu Haiwei and the others went out to wait.

Although Zou Sihan and Tian Youqing both wanted to see how Dongfang Sheng was treated, they all knew that there were some things they didn't want others to see, and they had to wait outside.

However, what they didn't know was that it was not the unique skill of Chinese medicine, but Dongfang Sheng's method of saving Mu Yue. It was not only the rescue method of ordinary Chinese medicine, but also the treatment of some warriors.

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