Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1670: Reporters' commotion 1

Today is Friday, and the school is also closed on weekends.

Yuan Xiao and the others were also planning to go to the military hospital together to see Mu Yue again, wondering if she woke up.

Only when I walked out of the school, a group of reporters gathered around.

"It's Yuan Shao and them!"

As soon as they saw Yuan Xiao and the others, a group of people gathered around. They all knew that Yuan Xiao and Mu Yue had a good relationship with Mu Yue, so they would definitely be very clear about Mu Yue's situation.

Facing the siege of a group of reporters, Yuan Xiao and the others made a groan in their hearts.

"Shao Yuan, we heard that Dong Chu was hospitalized. Is this true or false?"

"Shao Yan, I heard that Dong Chu was seriously injured and hospitalized, and I don't know his life or death until now. Is this true?"


The reporters are asking about Mu Yue's injuries and confirming how serious her injuries are.

Facing the siege of these reporters, Mu Zhitong called an anger in her heart, but she could only suppress the anger in her heart.

Yuan Xiao raised his hand and pressed it, telling the reporters to stop questioning, and said to them, "Be quiet, listen to me!"

Sure enough, these reporters stopped questioning and wanted to hear what Yuan Xiao had to say.

Wu Hongjun held Yuan Xiao and reminded him, "What are you going to say!"

"Relax!" Yuan Xiao smiled slightly at Wu Hongjun, turned his head and said to the reporters, "I know, you all care about Mu Yue's situation there, and you have heard about Mu Yue's injury, but I can tell everyone Mu Yue’s injuries are not dangerous. They just have some fractures and can’t walk, so he can only recuperate in the hospital. It’s not as serious as everyone said!"

"Since it's not that serious, why not let us interview?"

"Yuan Shao, is what you said is true? I heard that Chu Dong is on the line of life and death!"

"So far, Chu Dong has not appeared in front of everyone, explaining her situation, can you guarantee what you have said!"

The reporters all had a skeptical attitude and asked Yuan Xiao.

Yuan Xiao glanced at the reporters coldly, "Now Mu Yue needs a quiet environment to heal her injuries, not to explain to you reporters. Her body is the most important because your affairs affect her follow-up recuperation. On the contrary, To extend her recuperation time, can you be responsible for what you do? Regarding Mu Yue’s situation, I hope you can give you more time and wait for Mu Yue’s body to recover and be able to stand in front of you, then Prove that she has nothing to do, don’t make false claims! That’s what I said, I won’t say anything more, sorry, we are going home now! Please let me know!"

Yan Yu and the others hurriedly pushed away the reporters in front of them, and walked towards their cars.

These reporters wanted to ask more questions, but Yuan Xiao and the others didn't answer.

Yan Yu and the others who got into the car all cursed. They found out which **** it was and they would never let them go.

"Damn, these gossip reporters are really annoying!" Yan Yu leaned back in the back chair, cursing.

Wu Hongjun sighed helplessly, "These reporters are like this, they like to dig gossip most! It's a pity that Mu Yue's affairs will really be a little troublesome!"

"Let's go to the hospital first!" Yuan Xiao frowned and reminded them, "Mu Yue and the others should have arranged this matter. We don't need to worry about her. Those reporters can gossip whatever they want. Right!"

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