Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1683: Do you want to go back to the capital 5

"Oh, grandpa, I know you are doing this for my safety, but this time it's a special case, it's different!" Mu Yue quickly explained, "This was originally the trouble I brought from the capital, and it wasn't me. Lin City provoked it himself! I also think Beijing is even more dangerous!"

Xiao Junyan looked down at Mu Yue, who was leaning on his stomach, and looked up at Mu's family, especially his eyes fixed on Mu Haixuan, "I won't go on a mission again, I will protect Yue!"

Mu Haixuan was startled, and instantly understood what the stinky boy meant, wasn't he just saying that he had deceived him before?

"Let's make a compromise!" Mu Haixuan thought for a while, and said, "Xiao Yueer, we have discussed with your master. When we plan to let you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors during the Chinese New Year, your master will also choose a good day for you. On auspicious day, during the winter vacation, you are also free, and how about you, how about returning to the capital after acknowledging your ancestors and going to the capital to study?"

Mu Yue opened her mouth and turned to look at Dongfang Sheng.

Dongfang Sheng stroked his beard, smiled and nodded, and said, "Mu Yue, since he has found his family, let's go back!"

"Oh, okay, but, can you relax for another year? I plan to go to the capital again in my third year of high school. This is my bottom line!"

Since it was his own master, Mu Yue couldn't refute it anymore.

Father Mu hesitated, Dongfang Sheng nodded, "Let's do it!"

"Okay!" Since Dongfang Sheng had said so, Elder Mu could only nod his head and agreed.

However, thinking that after I went to the capital, I would not be able to meet Xiao Junyanshi frequently.

Mu Yue looked up at Xiao Junyan, and couldn't meet Xiao Junyan after he went to the capital.

Xiao Junyan comforted her gently, "It's okay, I will see you in the future!"

He was also very reluctant to make Mu Yue, but Mu's family made such a decision, even Dongfang Sheng, he could not object to it, so he could only visit her in the capital every week from now on.

Mu Yue nodded, and looked at him a little bit reluctantly, "Well, I will see you too!"

Xiao Junyan was reluctant to bear him, and she was also reluctant to bear Xiao Junyan, thinking that she would not be able to see him, she was still a little sad.

"That's right!" Elder Mu smiled and nodded in satisfaction, looked at Dongfang Sheng gratefully, and said to Mu Yue reminding him, "That's it, Xiao Yueer, you'll take care of your Linshi affairs. Quickly deal with it, we will go to the capital!"

"I see, Grandpa, I will arrange it as soon as possible!" Mu Yue nodded, knowing that this time he can no longer violate the order.

"That's good!" Mu Haiye said with a smile, "If you don't go back to the capital now, you can just attend the opening of the drugstore. Then you can also show up in front of everyone to prove that there is nothing wrong with your physical condition. The rumors have been smoothed out!"

"Is the time set?" Mu Yue asked curiously after hearing Mu Haiye's news.

Mu Haiye smiled and told Mu Yue the time, "Well, the time has been set, November 24th, which happens to be Saturday!!"

"Well, that's the day!" Mu Yue nodded, patted his hands with an excited smile on his face, "This is a great thing, I can't be absent!"

"Of course you can't be absent, we just calculate the time you will be discharged from the hospital, just to relieve the doubts of the outside world!" Mu Haiye said confidently and caringly.

Mu Yue nodded, "I have troubled San Bo for the hard work of this time!"

"There is nothing to be done without hard work, this is what San Bo should do!"

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