Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1689: Revenge for Beimingjie 2

"Since you have been arrested, if you want to kill, you have to scrape, listen to it!" Bei Mingjie stared at Mu Yue angrily and hatred.

He knew that in the hands of Mu Yue and the others, his end would be death.

However, whether this death is a happy death or a painful death, that is not what he can do.

"Bei Mingjie, you ask me for bloodmarrow grass, and I can give it to you, but the last thing you should do is to do it to me and also to my relatives!" Mu Yue's eyes flashed with forest. The cold light, the tone of speech was full of deep coldness.

Bei Mingjie snorted coldly and looked at Mu Yue mockingly, "If you let me go out, I will hurt your relatives. As long as the relatives you value, I will treat them well. The more you value them, the more I will take care of them. they!"

Listening to Bei Mingjie's words, the cold light in Mu Yue's eyes kept flashing, and his eyes were full of thick cold light, and his body was also exuding coldness, as did Xiao Junyan who was standing next to her.

"Really?" Mu Yue sneered, "I'm sorry, you have no chance to leave here, and even if you leave, you don't have any chance to retaliate against me! It is even more impossible to do those things to my relatives! "

"Huh!" Bei Mingjie felt anger raging in his heart, and turned his head not to look at Mu Yue.

Now, as soon as he saw Mu Yue, he wanted to kill, but Naihe couldn't kill Mu Yue, so he could only turn his head not to look at Mu Yue reconciled.

"As for me, this person has a good point, that is, if you have a grudge, you will avenge it, and you will give it back to him if you like it a hundred times a thousand times!" Mu Yue sneered and raised her hand, her hand already had an extra silver The needle shook in front of Bei Mingjie's eyes, "I wonder if you have investigated my information, do you know that I am a Chinese medicine doctor, and I am also a Chinese medicine doctor with superb medical skills!"

Bei Mingjie stared at Mu Yue in front of him and looked at the silver needle in his hand. For some reason, his body shivered and looked at Mu Yue with staring eyes.

Mu Yue saw Bei Mingjie's reaction because of the silver needle he was holding, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It seems you know!"

"What are you going to do?" Bei Mingjie stared at Mu Yue, a flash of horror flashed through his eyes.

Even if she doesn't know that Mu Yue is a Chinese medicine doctor, since she knows that Mu Yue is a master of internal strength, then she must also know the acupuncture points.

Now that you know the acupuncture points, you will know the benefits of the acupuncture points, as well as some of the disadvantages and pains.

Mu Yue looked at Bei Mingjie with a grin, and was very happy to see his enemy look like this, and liked to play with him most.

Bei Mingjie's pupils shrank and watched as Mu Yue slowly dropped the silver needle towards him.

It's just that the first needle is not a painful acupuncture point, but a dumb acupuncture point.

Since he was going to teach him, he couldn't let others hear Bei Mingjie's screams, so he had to point his dumb acupoints first, so that no one would hear them.

"Senior Brother Xiao, what should I do if I accidentally tortured him to death?" Mu Yue turned his head and asked Xiao Junyan slightly worried.

Xiao Junyan raised his hand and gently touched her head, "It's okay, I'll take care of it for you!"

As long as it is what she wants to do, he will help her to satisfy, even if she kills this Bei Mingjie, he will help her to bear it.

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