Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1695: Mu Yue does not appear 3

As always, these acquaintances gathered together every time Mu Yue held a banquet.

Mu Haiye and Mu Yifeng also came and pulled a group of familiar people.

"Mu Dong!" Seeing Mu Haiye and Mu Yifeng's father and son coming over, a group of people stood up and hurriedly greeted them.

Seeing the people, Mu Haiye nodded to them with a smile, and sat on the sofa, "Everyone is okay, thank you everyone for coming to join Xiao Yueer!"

Ouyang Guohua was very guilty and apologized to Mu Haiye, "Mu Dong, this time Chu Dong was injured because of our Mengxi business. I'm really sorry!"

He also knew the reason for this incident. It was because of the bloodsarrow grass. The person who had harmed Mu Yue severely injured her because of this thing, and it even hurt Mu Haiye.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Guohua felt guilty and blamed for both Mu Yue and Mu Haiye.

Mu Haiye waved his hand, comforting Ouyang Guohua, "Don't worry, it's okay, it's not your fault!"

"However, if it weren't for the need for this bloodmarrow grass, or if I hadn't had to get this bloodmarrow grass, I just gave up, maybe it wouldn't happen like this is happening now!" Said Mu Haiye.

"If you don't have this bloodmarrow grass, your daughter will die!" Mu Haiye kindly reminded Ouyang Guohua.

Ouyang Guohua suddenly became dumb, not knowing how to answer Mu Haiye, but he still said hesitantly, "But, I can't let Chu Dong encounter such a thing because of this!"

Mu Haiye smiled and comforted Ouyang Guohua, "No one knows what will happen in the future, but as long as you cherish the present! And, aren't we all fine now? As long as we are fine now, we will be fine. You will treat Mu Yue well in the future. Some, just know the Entubao!"

Ouyang Guohua nodded, "I know, I will definitely remember Chu Dong's life-saving grace to our family. If Mengxi really has any shortcomings, maybe our husband and wife will regret it for life!"

"That's right!" Mu Haiye nodded and laughed, "Don't say anything in the future, turn everything into actual actions!"

Ouyang Guohua gratefully looked at Mu Haiye, "Thank you!"

"If this is the case, then give us some benefits. In the future, our drugstore will be free of admission fees in your company's shopping mall. What do you think?" Mu Haiye laughed and quickly asked Ouyang Guohua.

Businessmen, no treacherous, no business, always want to make profits for their own company!

"Yes, yes! I also want to give Chu Dong the shares of our company!" Ouyang Guohua nodded quickly without any hesitation.

Obtaining Ouyang Guohua's posture of nodding and agreeing with little thought, Mu Haiye smashed his mouth. It is estimated that if he did not say this, Ouyang Guohua would do it!

"Yes, we originally planned to do this. Chu Dong not only saved our daughter this time, but also our husband and wife. Without our daughter, perhaps we would not be able to develop the company wholeheartedly. It is estimated that it will not get better, but it will get worse!" Madam Ouyang said to Mu Haiye with a smile.

Mu Haiye touched the back of his head, he was a little embarrassed to hear this.

"Hehehe, okay..." Mu Haiye could only laugh a few times, and Mu Yifeng snickered in his heart.

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