After resting at home for a month, Mu Yue also plans to go back to school. It has been more than two months since the accident.

Moreover, she will be reading for more than a month and the final exam will be required. If she does not go to school again, Mu Yue feels a little sorry for herself.

Elder Mu has left Linshi and returned to the capital, and now only Mu Haiye and the others are in Linshi.

No, Mu Haiye was going to have dinner to send Mu Yue to school, but Xiao Junyan appeared at their home.

"What are you stinky kid doing here!" Mu Haiye scolded when he saw Xiao Junyan.

Aunt San walked out of the kitchen with vegetables, and said lightly, "I asked him to eat a bowl of rice!"

"Why let him come!" Mu Haiye was overwhelmed, just feeling depressed, how could his wife turn her elbow out!

"Xiao Xiao is at home alone, no one cooks dinner for him, and he doesn't know what to eat. Come here to eat, let it be a little lively, what's wrong!" Aunt San said with a smile.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Haiye faintly, put the dish on the table, and then silently sat beside Mu Yue, "Send Yue to school!"

"I'll send it, what are you going to do!" Mu Haiye felt angry when he heard that, this stinky boy dared to grab his job.

"You are not as strong as me!" Xiao Junyan just spit out four words flatly.

It's just that these four words are like four knives, piercing Mu Haiye's heart fiercely. This stinky boy is really disgusting, and he knows the pain of poking him.

Mu Haiye covered her chest with one hand, and pointed at Xiao Junyan tremblingly with one hand, "You, brat!"

Mu Yue looked at Mu Haiye's annoyed appearance, a little bit dumbfounded, "San Bo, don't quarrel with Senior Brother Xiao, who will send it to you! Senior Brother Xiao just went to the military area after having a good dinner, just to be sent to school! "

"Huh! Go to the military area? It's the opposite direction, and I'll send you there? Isn't this a fuss after taking off his pants and farting?" Mu Haiye listened, but Leng Hun said with disdain.

Mu Yue thought, it is true that Xiao Junyan is in the opposite direction, but she still prefers to let Xiao Junyan send herself to school.

"It's okay, I will send you off!" Xiao Junyan said flatly, his tone so indifferent.

Mu Haiye snorted and sat down on the stool fiercely, "Humph!"

"Okay, hurry up and eat!" The third aunt looked at Mu Haiye with a smile, and said remindingly.

Mu Haiye turned his head to look at the third aunt in confusion, "Where is Xiao Feng?"

"He, I'm packing up my schoolbags on it, I'm coming down soon!" The third aunt also sat at the table, took the chopsticks, and said to Xiao Junyan enthusiastically, "Xiao Xiao, you are welcome, treat this as your own home. Eat!"

"Thank you!" Xiao Junyan nodded, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, first took a spare rib and handed it to Mu Yue's bowl, "eat more meat!"

Mu Yue grinned, her eyes curled, and the dark eyes flashed with sly and playful light. It also helped Xiao Junyan clip a piece of meat, but she was holding fat, "eat more fat, more meat. !"

Mu Haiye stared at Xiao Junyan fiercely, and cursed viciously, "Humph, it's best to become fat, so you don't like him!"

However, Xiao Junyan ignored Mu Haiye, bowed his head and ate the fat in silence, and didn't fight back Mu Yue to give her the fat.

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