Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1718: Encounter Qi Rui's cousin 1

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were going to buy rough stones, so naturally they had to go to a place specializing in stone gambling to get them.

Only those places are the cheapest.

Although Xiao Junyan didn't know how Mu Yue could see that the contents of each stone were the best, he was still very confident in Mu Yue.

After the two men cleaned up the rough stones in one shop, Mu Yue went to another place to clean up the rough stones.

For this kind of jade, Mu Yue doesn't feel too much. Moreover, it sets up a big formation, and it is persistent, and the consumption of jade can't be satisfied with a little bit.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan came to a treasure shop and prepared to choose rough stones.

When he only walked to the original stone area, a young man came out of the original stone pile and almost collided with Mu Yue and the others.

Fortunately, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were both good at skill, and Xiao Junyan also shot faster, taking Mu Yue into his arms and preventing that person from colliding with Mu Yue.

Xiao Junyan asked Mu Yue with concern, "Are there any injuries?"

"It's okay, not hurt!" Mu Yue smiled helplessly at Xiao Junyan's over-worried questioning.

The young man almost collided with Mu Yue, but became angry, and scolded Mu Yue, "You don't have long eyes when you walk! How dare you pretend to be a master!"

Mu Yue leaned against Xiao Junyan's arms. The two of them were looking at each other affectionately, but suddenly they heard the young man's angry scolding. Both Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan turned to look at the speaker.

If it's really her own fault, Mu Yue doesn't mind admitting her mistake.

However, this wasn't her fault alone, and she didn't say that even if she made a mistake without apologizing, this guy would be so arrogant.

This made Mu Yue look at the young man's eyes a bit unkind and displeased, and spoke without mercy at all, "It's you who walked out and didn't look at the way!"

The young man was about to furiously retort, but when he saw Mu Yue's face, he was slightly taken aback and pointed at her, "Are you Chu Muyue?"

He didn't expect that Chu Muyue in this photo was really different from the real person, and the real person was really amazing.

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and looked at the young man pointing at him as if he knew him, "Who are you?"

However, thinking of my fame in Jiangnan Province is nothing strange. There should still be some people who can recognize themselves.

The young man pulled his collar, his tone was full of pride, "My name is Gao Wenlong and I am the chairman of Kangyuan Health Products Company!"

"Kangyuan Health Products Company?" Mu Yue heard the self-introduction of this young man named Gao Wenlong.

She had heard of this name before, because the Gao Wenlong was related to Qi Changdong.

Gao Wenlong's father is the brother of Qi Changdong's wife, and Qi Rui is a cousin.

Because the last time she was hospitalized, Qi Rui asked her own troubles and spread the news that she might die, causing her company to lose a lot of money.

This also made her remember Qi Rui fiercely in her heart.

After investigating the data of Qi Changdong and Qi Rui, it was found that many of their funds came from the home of Qi Changdong's wife's brother.

Therefore, after hearing Gao Wenlong's self-introduction, Mu Yue was familiar with the company's name.

However, although Mu Yue was familiar with the name in his heart, there was no expression on his face. Instead, she said in a puzzled manner, "What Kangyuan health care product company? Sorry, I haven't heard of it?"

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