Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1726: The formation of medicinal restaurants 4

Mu Yue sat cross-legged in the center of the small villa's lobby, surrounded by jade stones, and the pattern on this jade stone was the same as the model of the building outside, with the Big Dipper pattern.

Xiao Junyan also sat cross-legged behind Mu Yue, staring at Mu Yue with pitch-black eyes.

"Senior Brother Xiao, I'm starting!" Mu Yue turned his head and said to Xiao Junyan.

Mu Yue pinched her hands together, and the vitality in the luck gas, a wave of energy fluctuations slowly gushing out of her body, gradually uniting with the jade stones placed around her.

With the impact of this aftermath of energy, it is connected with the spiritual energy in these jade stones.

The original jade stones that did not seem to have any vitality, after Mu Yue's aftermath of energy was connected to them, these jade stones seemed to be alive, full of spiritual energy.

Ling Hong, who had been standing at the entrance with his hands on his back, had been looking at the building of the medicinal food hall, not knowing what the formations Mu Yue was talking about.

Ling Hong is still looking forward to seeing Mu Yue create some miracles.

He has always followed Mu Yue's side and witnessed the miracle Mu Yue has created. He admired it in his heart, and he was determined to follow in her footsteps in the future.

"I don't know what the formation of Chu Dongxie is like?" Ling Hong muttered to himself for a while, watching expectantly.

Mu Yue sitting cross-legged on the ground, the jade around her body seemed to bloom with a soft light, connected with Mu Yue sitting in the center of her eyes.


As if in this one, a light spot gradually connected each piece of jade, and the figure of the Big Dipper appeared in the room.

Xiao Junyan sat cross-legged behind Mu Yue, looking at the scene in front of him, and at her profile. His eyes flashed with a soft and proud light, but he was more determined. He must become stronger and have enough. The power of protecting her.

"It's energized!"

Her Yue is such a genius!

The aura exuding from Mu Yue's body turned out to be energizing, and her qi cultivation skills had already reached the mid-stage of cultivating qi and transforming spirits.

How long she has been apprentice to a teacher, she has already achieved such an achievement, so that he feels a little pressure, and she has to catch up with him.

Last time Mu Yue was forced by Bei Mingjie to make a breakthrough in his cultivation base. Although he broke through in a desperate situation, after his injury recovered, Mu Yue also consolidated his cultivation base.

Although it's dangerous, it's also turning danger into a breeze. As expected, we are seeking wealth and wealth!

Mu Yue's current cultivation base in the middle stage of Qi Huashen's cultivation, driving the formation, although a bit difficult, but it is enough.

With Mu Yue as the center, a layer of spiritual mist gradually filled her, hazily enveloped her.

At this time, Ling Hong, who was sighing and looking forward to it outside, suddenly realized that the scene in front of him had become a little fuzzy, and couldn't help but let out a low groan, "Huh?"

It should be said that the building in front of me has gradually become a little misty.

The buildings, flowers, and trees that were originally clearly visible, seemed to be condensed with a mist of water around them, as if it were a fairyland.

"Is this what Chu Dong said?" Ling Hong widened his eyes in surprise, looking at the scene in front of him.

At this time, no one noticed the situation here, and because of Mu Yue's instructions, the security guards also turned their backs to the building, and no one paid attention to it at all.

Therefore, only Ling Hong saw the scene in front of him.

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