Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1728: Eye-catching new tea 1

After the formation was set, Mu Yue let Ling Hong in.

"Chu Dong, I saw the whole house shrouded in the mist just now. Did you make this? Is that what you said?" Ling Hong came in with a curious question.

It's no wonder he was so excited and so uncharacteristic.

Mu Yue looked at Ling Hong's appearance, smiled slightly, and said, "Big Brother Ling, why are you so excited?"

Ling Hong was stunned, and then grabbed the back of his head a little embarrassingly. He also felt a little embarrassed. He coughed twice and said, "It's too unscientific, so I'm a little excited."

When Mu Yue heard this, she laughed immediately, "Big Brother Ling, there are some things that cannot be explained by current science. You should treat it as an abnormal phenomenon, no wonder!"

"Hmm! No wonder!" Ling Hong nodded and smiled awkwardly.

Seeing Ling Hong's appearance, Mu Yue just smiled and changed the subject and said, "Big Brother Ling, you must be a little tired after standing outside for so long. Come on, have a cup of tea!"

Mu Yue smiled and handed the cup of tea he had made to Ling Hong.

Ling Hong nodded, thinking of what happened just now, a little guilty and a little embarrassed, so he took it and took a sip.

After just taking a sip, Ling Hong's eyes widened, then he looked at the tea in his small teacup, and looked at Mu Yue in surprise, "Chu Dong, this..."

"How does it feel after drinking this tea?" Mu Yue smiled and asked Ling Hong.

Ling Hong smashed his mouth, exclaimed in amazement, "It feels like medicinal wine, I feel comfortable all over, and I feel a little warm all over!"

Mu Yue laughed and nodded gently, "It seems that the effect is quite good!"

"Is this the tea you made newly, Dong Chu? How did you make it?" Ling Hong asked Mu Yue curiously and puzzled.

Mu Yue smiled mysteriously, "This is a business secret, so I can't say I am for the time being!"

These tea leaves are planted in the space by Mu Yue.

Both the aura and the environment in the space are leveraged, and the tea trees planted are all lush.

And the tea leaves that are picked, even if they are not fried, can still infuse the aroma of tea, and it can give people a relaxed and invigorating feeling.

Ling Hong looked at Mu Yue's mysterious appearance, knowing that there are some things that can't be asked more, and nodded, "This tea is really good!"

Mu Yue was very satisfied with Ling Hong's self-knowledge, and said with a smile, "Big Brother Ling, get some people to pack these tea leaves!"

"Tea?" Hearing Mu Yue's words, Ling Hong just looked in the direction Mu Yue was pointing, and saw a big sack, "So many?"

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Well, you send someone to pack these tea leaves. Each packet is 5 grams, and there are six packets inside. I will give it to the people who come to the banquet at the banquet! "

"Good!" Ling Hong's eyes lit up when he heard Mu Yue's words and nodded with a smile.

When he drank the tea by himself, he felt very comfortable, almost like medicinal wine.

Now that medicinal wine is so popular, there will definitely be many people who like this tea.

"Well, for the rest, on the day of the banquet, you let them soak a small cup, and let each of the distinguished guests come to have a taste when they sign in!" Mu Yue's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sly calculation Smile.

Ling Hong listened, slandered for a while, and sure enough, Chu Dong was still the darkest.

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