Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1731: Eye-catching new tea 4

The old Yan, the elders, and others that Mu Yue knew all came, and they all wanted to see how this newly-built membership area was like.

When they came to this building in the membership area, a group of people were admired, affirmed and appreciated.

Especially after seeing this beautiful scenery, I feel refreshed all over my body, especially after drinking that tea, I feel more comfortable.

Moreover, the entire banquet was very relaxed and talked with each other. This was also a good opportunity for everyone to draw up relations with each other and exchange ideas about cooperation between the two sides.

On both sides of the banquet hall, there are many exquisite foods, all of which are newly developed dim sum foods by Mu Yue.

At the banquet, everyone almost ate at home before coming to the banquet venue. They came here just to drink some wine and eat some fruit.

However, in this medicinal restaurant, I tasted new products.

Almost every time the medicinal restaurant holds a banquet and sends an invitation letter, there will be some new products for them to taste, and they will write down the dishes they like and eat again next time.

Mu Yue handed the banquet to Ling Hong and the others, and came to the sofa where the elders and the group were.

When the elder saw Mu Yue, he blew his beard and stared, then snorted.

Mu Yue's reaction to the veteran was slightly taken aback, and she looked at Yuan Xiao in a puzzled manner, "Yuan Xiao, how did I provoke the elder?"

When Yuan Xiao heard this, he was a little bit dumbfounded, "Grandpa hates that you didn't give him such good tea first, so grandpa made a child's temper!"

"What kind of child's temper, you stinky boy, can you speak?" Hearing Yuan Xiao's last words, the elder suddenly turned his head angrily and stared at Yuan Xiao's beard.

After hearing this explanation, Mu Yue touched her nose in embarrassment and said, "I just got this out recently. These are only a small part. Now this point is gone. It will take a while. To have it again!"

"Hmph, you still don't respect my old man!" The elder still hummed his nose, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Mu Yue was even more embarrassed, and sat on the sofa and said, "Then I have a new one next time. I will give you two or three first. What do you think?"

"Only twos and threes?" Hearing Mu Yue's words, the elder was immediately stared with anger.

While listening, Mr. Wei also quickly asked Mu Yue, "What about me? Is there any? Only two or three?"

Mu Yue was also aggrieved, complaining, "It's not bad to have so many, I have to make money!"

"Hmph, what kind of money is your little rich woman short of!" The elder snorted and said in disapproval.

Old Yan also nodded in agreement, "That's right!"

Mu Yue couldn't help feeling ashamed, and a sly flash flashed under her eyes, "Forget it, I still don't give it away. Come and buy it with me, so you can buy all my tea!"

"What to buy! You are a junior, it is a must to send us elders!" The elder retorted with a stubborn neck.

Seeing this old man and Mu Yue hit the bar, everyone on the side was embarrassed.

"That's Yue's, don't give it if you don't want it!" Xiao Junyan said coldly, and a pair of dark and cold eyes swept towards the elder.

Even an old man like the elder could not help but shake his body when facing Xiao Junyan's eyes, and his aura was much less.

"It's really mean!" The veteran could only spit out such a sentence in the end.

With this aggrieved and complaining appearance, everyone couldn't help but a laugh, but they all knew that they didn't laugh.

"Okay, everyone eats and drinks well, I...I won't accompany you with anything else!" Mu Yue quickly found an excuse to slip.

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