Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1744: The Xiao family wants to dissolve the marriage contract 2

Tang Yalan looked at Du Xueqin helplessly. Although she had never seen Mu Yue, she was very satisfied and happy with the gifts Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan to bring back from time to time.

And most importantly, Mu Yue let her son who didn't let the woman get close to her, fell in love with her.

It also allows her as a mother to not have to sleep every night, and she does not have to worry about her son not being able to find a girl she likes.

There is no need to worry that your son is living a life of two people because of the marriage he arranged.

Tang Yalan is Xiao Junyan's mother, so naturally she knows his character.

Therefore, she can certainly guess that if she arranges a marriage that Xiao Junyan does not agree with, it is estimated that in the future after marriage, Xiao Junyan and the arranged daughter-in-law will lead the lives of two people, and want a grandson, I guess she Everyone feels more difficult than climbing to the sky.

"Since you like your cousin, tell me what should I do?" Tang Yalan asked Du Xueqin with a smile.

She couldn't think of a way, so she could only hand over this mindful matter to Du Xueqin.

"This..." Du Xueqin frowned, looking up at Xiao Fengyi with a very tangled appearance.

Xiao Fengyi seemed to have noticed Du Xueqin's eyes and understood the meaning in her eyes. He waved his hand and said, "I have already thought about it, don't ask me, I can't think of it!"

"Humph!" Du Xueqin snorted, thought about it, and then asked Tang Yalan, "Then, big aunt, do you want cousin Jun Yan to find Mu's family to break the marriage contract?"

She felt that if her cousin went personally, the domineering spirit on her cousin would let go, and then a thousand-year-old cold air would let go. He didn't believe that the Mu family could still be willing to let his daughter go. Marry Xiao Junyan.

I have to say that Du Xueqin's thoughts really poke the hearts of Mu's family.

Indeed, what the Mu family despised Xiao Junyan the most was his indifferent temperament, he didn't know how to take care of girls, and he didn't have a bit of rhetoric, which is really bad.

"I guess it will be even more messed up!" Tang Yalan frowned and said.

"How come?" Du Xueqin quickly talked to Tang Yalan about the thoughts in her heart, "Auntie, don't you think?"

"It's also overlord! Don't you fear that your cousin Junyan's excellent performance will make the Mu family more satisfied?" Tang Yalan cast an angry glance and said remindingly.

Du Xueqin smashed it, smashed it, it seemed that it was really possible.

His cousin is in the second generation of officials in the capital, and that is definitely a leverage.

Such a good man, she also thinks that Mu's family will hold it tightly in her hands. It seems that the marriage contract is about to be terminated. It is really difficult.

"What should I do, I don't want my future cousin to be the girl of the Mu family!" Du Xueqin stomped anxiously and said.

Tang Yalan clapped her hands, then spread her hands again, and said helplessly, "Cold!"

"I..." Du Xueqin opened her mouth, her eyes murmured, and suddenly she cried, "Yes!"

"What?" Tang Yalan looked at Du Xueqin puzzledly.

Du Xueqin smiled and said, "Are you saying that the cousin in the future cured Mu Haixuan's amnesia? To help the Mu family find their little princess, we can ask the cousin to talk to the Mu family and let them To break the marriage contract with us is regarded as a reward for Mu's family!"

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