On the other side, Mu Yue returned home, again accompanied by Elder Mu.

In the evening, everyone will still have dinner at Mr. Mu.

Mu Haixuan also asked Mu Yue concerned when he came back from get off work, "Xiao Yue'er, how about going out to play today? Who did you go out to see?"

"Nothing!" Mu Yue felt a little guilty in her heart, can't you say that she went to see Brother Xiao's family?

If this happened to my father and these Mu family members, I guess I would be crazy, right?

Then he hurriedly changed the subject and said, "I went out, but I was stared at all the time. I was very unhappy!"

Mu Hongbo smiled and ate the walnuts while asking Mu Yue, "You are being followed too, it seems everyone is the same!"

"It seems that everyone is being followed! Who is it?" Mu Yue nodded after hearing this, and asked inexplicably and curiously.

"It must be the enemy of our Mu family. They all want to see what our little princess looks like!" Mu Yutao grinned and touched Mu Yue's head, and said with pride and pride.

Mu Wenhao proudly flaunted and said, "However, even if they can't investigate it anyway, Sister Yue is our sister. Who makes her the savior of our family in everyone's eyes?"

Mu Yutao couldn't help but reminded Mu Yue, "Sister Yue, you have to pay attention to the Hua family and the Gan family, especially Hua Fengjun!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded as he listened, and then asked Mu Haixuan curiously, "Dad, that woman, is that also investigating me?"

Mu Haixuan took a sip of tea, "Yeah, I have always wanted to investigate you since I learned about you, but I have stopped them all! Moreover, not only that **** is looking for you, but even her The useless son wants to find you too!"

"Oh, that Gan Yongxin! This is normal!" Mu Yue laughed when she heard it. The lesson last time was not enough!

"This stinky guy recently followed a skilled guy with him, but he was still not too tired, and at most it was only in the middle stage of Anjin!" Mu Haixuan said with disdain immediately.

Of course, they are very clear about the actions of those big families recently, especially the families that have hostile relations with them.

Because the marriage between Mu Haixuan and Hua Fengjun couldn't be completed, the Hua family and the Mu family became enemies, and even the Gan family who married Hua Fengjun became enemies with the Mu family.

Although this was not what the Mu family wanted, but since Mu Haixuan didn't want to be with Hua Fengjun, they couldn't force it, and there was no happiness for it.

Regarding this incident, Hua Fengjun always hated Mu Haixuan, always wanting revenge.

It is possible that the place where Mu Haixuan and the others lived in seclusion might have been leaked to the Nangong family by Jun Hua Feng. Although this was just a guess, the Mu family couldn't ignore it.

Mu Yue touched her chin and said mockingly, "It's best not to trouble me with that guy, otherwise, she will be the only one who is unlucky!"

As long as it is not those ancient martial arts masters, Mu Haixuan also feels that the waste of Junsheng Hua Feng is not qualified to fight his daughter, and the people around him are also a bunch of waste.

Therefore, as long as that Gan Yongxin doesn't trouble Mu Yue, then he won't be unlucky, but if he doesn't have long eyes, then he will be unlucky.

"Anyway, let the soldiers cover the water and soil, as long as you dare to hit Xiao Yue'er with your idea, I will never let them go!" Mu Haixuan said viciously.

"En, you are still the best dad!"

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